Chapter One.

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The Weeknd: Privilege.


Three years ago.

"What is it about bad boys being" Miranda asks, attracting your attention when she draws the chalk upwards and points it towards Xukun, "hot all the time?"

You pull the chalk back, as well as her extended hand, "don't forget that they are dangerous too."

She rolls her eyes at you, mumbling something along the lines "you're worse than my mother" which you choose to ignore.

Cai Xukun has always been the quiet, mysterious guy, the one people are always highly intimidated by, the one nobody knows anything about except his full name and his "present" during the roll call.

He never seemed to care about anything. Really. He never seemed to care about the teachers, about his classmates, about anyone or anything in general.

Nobody knows who his parents are, how he's still attending school and getting the supposed education.

Nobody knows.

Nobody cares either.

When the teacher enters the classroom and places his stack of notebooks on the table, the first thing he does is look towards Xukun, along with the heads of the others in the room turning towards him.

"Xukun," he doesn't look up, staring straight behind the teacher, "Principal Zhang wants to see you."

Without muttering anything, Xukun gets out of the classroom, followed by a loud thud of the door closing behind him.

You look away from the closed door towards the teacher, who's sighing loudly and ordering the students to get their attention back to the textbook.

The sudden airing of a microphone screech across the speaker in the classroom gets the attention of everyone present, Miranda and you share a look before waiting for the announcement regarding some test or anything to come up.

But the announcement that you get sends chills down your body, your hand working out to hold the edge of your desk tightly, your forehead sweating and your heart beat working at a much faster rate.

"Close all the gates. Empty all the classrooms and gather everyone on the field. If you come across Cai Xukun, run!"

There's silence on the other end with a few muffled sounds before a clear statement echoes through the speaker. "Be careful."

Before anyone can comprehend anything, the teacher is ushering the students out, the neighbouring classes going through the same commotion, half of the students being confused while the other half is taking their time to move around leisurely when another announcement airs through the speakers in the hallway, making everyone stop and give a second thought to everything going on.

"The Principal should have been killed by now, already by someone or the other," not many can recognise the voice.

"You all should thank me," the voice gets louder, an eerie laugh sounding through the speakers, giving you chills again, "you all should thank me, Cai Xukun," your hands turn cold, fighting the urge to collapse on the floor, "for doing you a favour and-"

The line gets muffled again, the entire hallway standing motion less as they wait for some follow up.

There are muffled "Catch him," and "He's dangerous, be careful" audible.

The line gets clear for once, for a fraction of moment, but the impact of the words creates a chaos that gets very hard to control.

"He's out on the corridors! Everybody empty the school!"

Miranda grabs your hand, seeing how nervous and pale you look, a hundred and one thoughts running through your mind, not being able to comprehend anything that is happening.

Miranda pulls you by your hand as everyone runs towards the stairs, making their way downstairs and to the school field.

"Miranda," you say, "we should go with the crowd! It'll be safe-"

"Are you crazy?" she asks, looking at the entire chaos, "if Xukun gets a hold of the crowd, we'll be in trouble along with the crowd too! Let's take the emergency exit!"


She doesn't wait as she pulls you hastily behind her, opposite to a direction of the crowd, escaping from the eyes of the teachers who are busy assembling the other students.

You see it happen in slow motion; tripping over the stairs from the fast paced steps, falling over the staircase, your ankle hurting more than anything you've experienced, the skin over your right elbow withering.

You see Miranda step down to help you up, her continuous chant of "can you walk" ringing through your head, you can even feel her touch your arm, trying to pull you up as her eyes register shock and fear together.

And before you can comprehend, Cai Xukun has his paper knife slashing against her arm, a loud and painful cry echoing, a maniacal laugh following it.

Xukun has his paper knife up in the air in the next moment, aiming at you.

Maybe the odds were in your favour, or maybe Miranda's scream was loud enough, because Xukun stopped, as if the realisation hitting him that what he's doing is wrong.

A flash of fear crosses his eyes.

But it's gone as soon as it came.

In rushed footsteps are the guards approaching the scene, followed by two male teachers, while Xukun stares at the deep cut he made on Miranda's arm, his eyes cold.

He holds your gaze as he knows he's being approached.

He smiles, like he's satisfied with the terror on your face, with the yells and cries of Miranda, with the people running around the school, with the fear he has instilled in the people.

His mouth forms your name. "Y/N."

You get chills down your body.

"I'll find you."

With that he gets kicked by one of the guard at the back of his knee, making him kneel down on the floor. One holds him in place by pulling his arms together behind his back, while the knife being held back by another guard as the teachers rush next to Miranda and you.

They take Miranda with them hastily, with you following behind.

Cai Xukun is still holding your gaze, the smile still present on his lips, a look of pure peace and satisfaction on his face.

Your legs go weak, your head spinning, and the last thing you remember is Xukun yelling "Save her!"

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