Chapter Five.

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Kehlani: Gangsta.


"(Y/N), wake up, fast, wa-"

"What happened?" you immediately sit up at your position when you see Miranda looming over you, with a sense of discomfort.

"There are people around our house."

You get down from your bed as you walk towards your bedroom window facing the road when you see multiple men in suits with earpiece attached talking animatedly.

You crane your neck and check the time.

It's four in the morning.

You look back at the road, with Miranda standing next to you, her hand wrapped around your arm.

The men stay for a few more minutes before walking in the same direction, and after exactly a minute, multiple black cars pass your residence.

The silence sets in, with both of you getting confused about the entire scenario that unfolded.

Miranda sits at the edge of your bed, her hands clasped in her lap.

You walk over to her, patting her hair as you ask, "do you want to sleep with me?"


Xukun is standing at the front of the departmental store, his hands in his black Coat as he stares at his sneakers. With you approaching, he looks up to meet your eyes.


You nod in acknowledgment.

After a walk of dilemma with you wanting to return home and sleep through the day or actually spending time with Xukun, both of you reach the café, an order placed for a Latte and a black coffee.

"What do you do besides reading?" he asks as you both sit opposite to each other, staring.

You notice that he got his hair trimmed.

"There's really not much that I do besides reading."

"What do you do for fun?"

"I read."

"No, like, outdoor activity?"

Your gaze shifts from his to the far end of the ceiling, the lighting with golden tinge contrasting against the brownish paint on the wall catching your attention.

"Amusement Park," you look back at him, smiling, "I go to the amusement park."

"Really?" the ends of his lips get tugged upward, forming a small smile.

This might be the very first time that you see him smiling, even though it disappears after a moment.


"When did you last go to the amusement park?"

"It has been a couple of months."

You both turn around to look at the counter when they announce that the order is ready, with Xukun immediately getting up to get those.

Xukun is standing at the front of the departmental store, his hands in his black Coat as he stares at his sneakers. With you approaching, he looks up to meet your eyes.


You nod in acknowledgment.

After a walk of dilemma with you wanting to return home and sleep through the day or actually spending time with Xukun, both of you are standing in front of the gates of the Amusement park, with you frowning, but feeling warm at the same time.

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