Chapter Eleven.

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Rihanna: Needed Me.



Wei stands in front of the university gates, his hands in his pant pockets as he looks up from the ground and to you when you call his name.

Smiling, he takes a step back and opens the passenger door to his car.

"I was in the neighbourhood," he says when he gets in through the driver's side, "thought I'd buy you lunch or something."

You reply in affirmative and smiling.

Sitting in a restaurant booth opposite to each other, he takes a sip of water from his glass, placing it down with caution.

"I wanted to thank you."

You look at him, "me?"

"Yeah. Ever since you came into Xukun's life, he has been getting better at resolving his...issues, anger management issues."

You smile.

"No, really," he says, "the way he immediately let you in the other day and the way you handled it, we...we were really surprised. Xukun never let's anyone in his personal sphere, not even me, and yet he showed you his vulnerable side. We're really happy that you came in and changed everything for good."

"I'm glad I have been able to do so," you say with a smile, "I really am."

He nods, smiling before picking up his phone and turning on the front camera. "Let's get Xukun jealous."


Staring out of the window at night, the rain hitting against the window, takes you into a state of dilemma. There's Xukun on one hand, the vulnerable fragile boy that you're in love with and want to protect from every single negativity to ever exist, and then there's the other people, his family, Miranda's mother, who have been doing and advising things that are totally contradictory to what Xukun has stated.

Xukun says that his family is flawed.

But they seem to care for him more than anyone else.

Miranda's mother stated that it's dangerous to be with them.

But she has been working under them for so many years already.

There might be some truth behind two parties stating that the family is peculiar, and you'll have to be aware on your part when it comes to them.

But they seem nice, like really. Wei and Xukun seem very close and Xukun even explicitly stated that he adores Wei. His mother was an emotional mess when Xukun took to destruction when he got angry that one time. Mr. Cai has been visiting the Office more frequently now that Xukun stays sprawled across the sofa in Wei's office all day.

But why would Xukun lie to you regarding his family? Why would Miranda's mother lie to you about the family if they were what they showed?

The only person you can trust is Xukun, and if he says that they're evil, so be it.

Walking out of the room to the kitchen, you walk past Miranda's room, all the while thinking about her and how lonely it seems since she's gone.

With a cup of coffee in your hand, you push the door to Miranda's room open. Her books and novels are still placed on her shelf the way she arranged always, a photo frame holding a picture of her and you laughing at something, her bed made as you perform the task every morning, the wardrobe however empty.

Sitting by the book shelf, you read all the titles of the books she owned, with some Colleen Hoover and Dan Brown here and there.

For the first time, you feel like reading something that Miranda liked, picking a Dan Brown book as the first preference.

However, on removing one book from the stack, you notice something that's pushed far away from the prominent edge of the shelf, as if it's meant to be hidden.

You pick what looks like a journal up, brushing the dust off the front cover.

You turn one page, and then automatically close it down as you identify Miranda's handwriting.

No, you tell yourself, you will not invade her privacy.

When you're about to place the journal back on the shelf, you hear your phone ring from the adjacent room.

Placing the journal on the bed, you rush to your room to pick the call up.


"(Y/n)!" there's panic in his voice that instantly sets you into motion before picking a jacket, your car keys and the home key, "save me!"

The rain hits against the top of your head and shoulders as you fumble with the driver's door. "Where are you?"

"I'm in my room, but I hear them talking about tying me up in the room! (Y/n), I'm scared!"

"Where's Wei?"

"H-he is with them."

You sigh, as you drive down the road, thinking that he'd convince the others to not do anything like that.

"Wei is there, Xukun, don't worry, everything will be fine-"

"Wei..." you hear him try to control the cracking in his voice, your grip around the steering wheel tightening as your heart constricts on the next words that leave Xukun's mouth, "Wei is the one who said that I should be locked up, and t-that you should be killed."


*sips tea*

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