Chapter Six.

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GOT7: Teenager.


"Let's go out for a movie."

You look at Miranda as soon as you place your bags inside the living room after returning from your home visit, your eyes wide, mouth agape.

"Let's go out for a movie."

Miranda repeats herself again as she takes your coat off and places it on the couch. "After you freshen up and get some rest, of course."

Nodding your head super fast, you smile at her, "Sure."

However, Xukun's voice over the phone when he called you keeps repeating over and over again, to inform about the dinner at his residence, with his family.

But you already agreed to Miranda's plan, and this has been the first time in four years that she has proposed it herself to step out of the house, voluntarily.

You don't want to disappoint Xukun, though.

Sitting at the edge of your bed, you contemplate on calling his number to tell him that you won't be able to meet him.

But, it also involves his family, doesn't it?

Maybe I should cancel the movie and go for it tomorrow?

Without deciding on either, you walk out of your room and towards the kitchen, to get yourself a glass of water when you pass Miranda's room, her door slightly ajar, with you being able to hear her voice on the other end.

"Yes, I'm keeping her busy. I won't let her be alone."

You frown.

"We'll be going out for a movie in some time, I won't let-"

Hearing footsteps advance towards the door, you take huge silent strides towards the kitchen, rounding the corner to hide yourself as the door closes against the frame from the inside.

What is going on?

Your phone vibrates in your hand, giving you a mild shock, your hand automatically reaching out to the top of your chest as you pat yourself to calm down.

You check the caller ID.


"How was the journey?" he asks, "are you tired?"

"The journey was fine."

"You sound tired," he says, his voice sounding careful, "will you be able to make it?"

You walk into the kitchen as you stand against the counter, contemplating your move. Miranda clearly meant business when she was talking over phone, referring to a person, supposedly you with the movie reference.

Not that you want to sound skeptical, but Miranda was being...different.

But you can't cancel out on Miranda and then go out for a dinner with Xukun either, although you want to meet him after two weeks apart.

"I'm sorry," you say with a sigh.

"I understand," he says, "you take rest. Do you want me to get you some food?"

You glance around yourself, suddenly cautious of your surrounding.

You never told him about your address.

"But, for that, you'd have to come out to the Departmental store," he sighs on the other end, with your nerves calming down a bit, "that'd be tiring. You can order yourself some food, yeah?"

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