Chapter Twelve.

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OFFONOFF: Moon, 12:04. [I personally suggest you to check out this song and OFFONOFF because they're severely underrated, both in the Korean industry and also in the R&B genre. Moon is such a slow, haunting song that never fails to give me goosebumps although I didn't understand anything in the first listen. The vibes, the feels, really.]


Chills keep running down your spine with every second ticking away, with you sitting in the car in front of the Cai residence, the cold metal of the knife pressed against your skin hidden from being apparent.

You can't let Xukun go.

You'll have to do something.

You've called the police, they're already on their way. But, until the Police arrives, you'll have to keep Xukun safe when he's in such an unstable state right now.

You get down from the car, a casual walking pace held when you pass the guards standing at the gates, your heart beat however contradictory to your physical appearance.

The front door is unlocked as you rattle the knob and push the door open slowly.

The place is eerily silent, no yells, no screams, no whispers, nothing. You have the knife in your hand in case things go downhill. Taking a step through the living room, you take notice that not a single thing seems odd or out of place.

Slowly, you make your way towards the dining hall, the place still silent.

The silence doesn't seem right. It isn't peaceful. The silence somehow feels destructive.

As you round the corner towards the dining hall, you hear a thud, your heart leaping up to your throat as you instantly turn towards the area where the sound seems to have come.

And followed by the thud is a gunshot, multiple screams escaping, some from inside Xukun's room, one from you.

You stand in front of Xukun's room, the lifeless body of Wei lying on the floor, Xukun crouched near his bed, a gun lying across from Wei and at the shoe sole of a standing Mr. Cai and a wailing Mrs. Cai.


Heads turn towards you, your hand instantly reaching to hold the edge of the door frame as the knife slides down your hand and to the floor, your vision blurring, forehead sweating.

"(Y/n)," you hear Xukun say again, pleading, but your eyes are on the man lying on the floor, the red pooling around the body, reminding you of your best friend who was killed, whose lifeless body spoke fear just like the one in front of you now, "(Y/n), save me. They'll kill me too!"

You open your mouth to take in as much oxygen possible, the grip on the doorframe so strong that it hurts.

"No!" Mr. Cai says, "don't believe him! He's crazy!"

'They thought I was crazy. They still do. '

"(Y/n), they killed Wei! He killed Wei! He killed his son! Now, he'll kill me! And then he'll kill yo-"

"(Y/n) no!" Mrs. Cai stands up from the floor, advancing towards you when you quickly pick the knife up and point it towards her.

"Don't come near me!"

"(Y/n)!" Xukun yells, "save me please! I don't want to die! They'll kill me, and you too!"

Pointing the knife up in defence, you take one step and then another towards Xukun who's trembling from fear. With you nearing, he gets up from the bed and next to you, holding you by your arm, his voice pleading you to save him.

Bullet ~ Cai Xukun Where stories live. Discover now