Just... being with Crocodile (Sir Crocodile x reader)

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It was a hot in Alabasta... well, usually everyday was but that day was hotter because it was full summer.

You were in Nanohana trying to spend some holidays with your boyfriend, sir Crocodile, who was nonetheless the former boss of Baroque Works and one of the Shichibukai. Actually you were trying... Crocodile claimed having told you to spend some relaxing time with you but as usual he was overwhelmed with work and you couldn't even complain without receiving a glare from him.

So you were totally bored and with nothing to do... At least you succeeded having breakfast together and for you it was a triumph; but then you laid down on the huge double bed and stared at the ceiling. After only half an hour you were bored to death. You got up and wandered around that huge and second house Crocodile had (one of the many, not to mention the restaurant-casino at Rain Base). You were in search of him and then stopping by a huge door you put your ears near and sensed some noises and identified Daz' and your man's voices when... in some way you found yourself falling to the ground. You raised your eyes to find Mr.1 with a hand on the door ready to go out and then Crocodile, sitting on his chair, looking at you with an inquisitive look. Standing up and watching at him you stuttered shyly.

"H-hi Crocodile!".

"Please, y/n, I have work to do. I don't have time" he said harshly not even looking at you because he was reading a paper while smoking a cigar.

At his words you looked down and became sad.

"When would you have time for me? You only think about work.." you mumbled under your breath and going out from the door you caught Daz standing still there quiet. You just left the room when you could clearly listen at Mr.1 saying "Boss, why treat her like that?". At those words you smiled thinking there was still someone who cared for you. You then went to your room; you dressed in a fancy way to go out for a walk but before you left a note on the desk for Crocodile.

"I'm going out. Do not search for me.".

You walked around the city looking in stores and eating something to cool you down.

Hours passed and still no sign of your man and you sighed.

"What am I to him? Does he still love or not?" you asked yourself stopping by a fountain looking with envy at happy couples and then you headed to the port to feel the fresh air on your skin.

Once there you sat down on a bench and observed ships coming in and out the port. You were absorbed in your thoughts when a group of young men approached you.

"Ehi sweetie, what's up?"

"Why don't you come with us?". One of them tried to come nearer when you heard a familiar voice.

It was Crocodile in person and he growled at them "Because she's MY woman. So, if you still care for your lives I highly suggest you going away". You thought he came to you just to apologize in time to leave again for his work but... he sat on the bench with you and lighted a cigar.

"Listen...I'm here to apologize for how badly I treated you before. Daz forced me out to come to you and telling this." he told you in a gentle way with a hint of blush on his cheeks. You knew him and so you knew that meant he still loved you and cared for you; that was how he apologized, in public and not, without being romantic. He even wasn't that type of man!

"Yeah yeah, Mr. I-am-too-cool-to-be-helplessly-romantic." you hugged his arm and speaking in an endearing way to tease him. You looked up at his face just in time to see a faint smile on his face and hearing a chuckle. Then he got up and sweetly took your hand.

"I actually have time for you. Let's go for a stroll on the beach".

It was already sunset and when he decided to do something sweet and romantic with you he always chose that time of the day; for that you giggled trying not to be seen by him.

There was no one and you were happy; happy because the beach was only for the two of you.

You walked a bit without chatting: him being away from the water he hated and you walking on water's edge just to have only your feet wet. He could hate water but he loved looking at you happy enjoying the sea like a child... and that meant really something.

At a certain point, you saw him stopping and falling behind you just to smoke while admiring the landscape when something called him back to reality: you were happily jumping in the water giggling while avoiding the waves coming like a baby; and he coulnd't not watching you and hold back a smile at that genuine view. Those smiles were just only for you and were the only ones he did without paying attention to the pain from the giant scar on the nose. Looking at him, because his faint laughter caught you, you turned in his direction and gave him your best and biggest smile and felt a tear coming down on your cheek. You felt special for him and with a hand on your mouth you tried to hold back a sob. Crocodile saw you and immediately rushed to you. He hugged you and when he finally he had you in arms covered by the coat he kissed your head and caressed you like you were his puppy and treasure.. and you actually were his most precious jewel.

"I love you, stupid woman, and nothing will stop me from doing this.".

He raised your chin and lowering himself to reach your eyes' level he kissed you on the lips. You closed your eyes and inhaled the scent of the cigar and wine coming from his mouth; he then grabbed you and lifted you startling you and taking advantage on the moment he made the kiss more passionate than before by interwining his tongue with yours... and you loved that and a rush of heat spread through your body; he then put you down gently and you both giggled smiling at each other.

"I love you too, my big tsundere crocodile" you chuckled teasing him.

And after you two went back home to let him pamper on you. 

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