Pregnancy with... Shanks

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-pregnancy -

It was nearly a week you were anxious by awaiting some test's results, and it was not a mere test but a pregnancy test.

In the last three weeks you didn't feel great: you felt queasy, moody and also tired. Moreover you also began to eat more than usual and also had strange cravings... and this made everyone worried especially the captain and your boyfriend Shanks. You were afraid to be visited by the crew's doctor because in your heart you knew you didn't feel well and little by little you understood you had the symptoms of a pregnant woman. What if you got visited by the crew's doctor and he discovered you were pregnant? As the doctor he would go to Shanks and tell him he was going to be dad soon. What if he didn't want to have your baby? Hell no! You decided to be visited by a doctor as soon as you landed on any city.

And so... that day arrived. You went back to the doctor of that city alone and there you got the "dreadful" results which said you were actually pregnant.

You were panicking inside. How to tell him?

With the results in your hands you headed back to the ship and while walking you began to imagine the possible reactions of Shanks.

You were afraid and felt down for nothing.

Once on board you tried to muster up your courage.

"Soon or later he will know about this... It's better now" you thought and then with a serious look on your face headed to Shanks.

"Oh, you came back dearie".

"Y-yeah Shanks" you sheeply said.

A moment of silence and then you spoke again. "Ehm...Shanks... I need to tell you something.".

The red-haired pirate and your crewmates were dumbfounded at your words.

"Tell me y/n". Yousat next to him.

"I...ehm... I am pregnant, Shanks, and you're the father".

He felt shocked; he and the other were with wide-open eyes and agape at your news.

"S-Shanks? Did you hear me? I'm with child.. pregnant.. Did you catch the idea or not?". You tried to wake him up from the shock to see a huge grin on his face.

"I'M GONNA BE A DAD!" he shouted happily like a child and took you in his arm and spinned you around.

"Aren't you angry?" you asked him with troubled eyes.

"Why on earth should I be angry? You're with child, OUR child! It's so wonderful! Me and you as parents! Who would have thought of this?" he cried out.... "and now we're going to celebrate".

-first time with baby -

-nearly nine months later-

You went into labour early in the morning; sun still had to rise but your child was too eager to see the world and her parents. Yes, it was a girl and you and Shanks couldn't wait to see and hold her.

And that time arrived. On your bed and between incitements of the doctor, your painful screams and Shanks' encouragement words you were giving birth to your daughter... and after many hours you could see your firstborn child in the hand of the doctor.

You were a mess, sweating all over the sheet, hot and panting heavily..and Shanks were there, on your side, holding your hand and wiping your forehead.

"You did it, love. You were great" he was comforting you seeing you in that painful state.

And then, while lying down on the bed, you could hear from the bathroom little cries and you realized your baby was finally born.

"She's fine and healthy... a little pretty girl as her mother" the doctor said coming back with a smile and then handed your child.

As you looked at her, still crying, tears were running down your cheeks for the wonder you and Shanks just created.

"S-she's...beautiful... O-our baby" you told him out of breath.

You then let Shanks hold her; he was crying tears of joy.

"So beautiful... just like her mom.. a little princess..." and then he smiled widely and gave a kiss on the baby's forehead. "I will protect both of you and your mother, i promise. No one will dare to touch even a single hair of your head without facing me" he whispered to her little ears even if the baby couldn't understand aword of his.. but sure as hell she would figure out his father's words in the future because she was his biggest treasure.

-family time -

It was a hot summer day and you decided to spend that wonderful day with your family on the beach.

You were still preparing yourself and your baby girl, Scarlet, to go on the beach while Shanks and the other crewmates were already out. You put some lotion on the child and then headed to your husband who were awaiting you.

"We are finally here, princess". You put down a towel on the sand and then Scarlet who began to play with her toys and saw Shanks approaching. The baby began giggling looking at his dad. As the usual goofy dad, the redhaired pirate bent down to smother Scarlet with kisses to hear his cute laugh. He then sat down with her to see her playing and with caution he looked over her.

"Who is a good girl? Who is a princess? Yes, it's you.... my little girl" he cooed her and you could only giggle at that vision. Shanks could be one of the most wanted and powerful pirate of the world but behind closed doors was a really caring, protective and goofy father... and you loved him. You watched silently your husband and your child in awe and some time later Shanks caught your eyes and smiled at you.

"Are you enjoying yourself, eh?" you asked.

"Ssshhh...I'm having some time with my daughter." he laughed.

"Oh god! I never thought I could be jealous of my own baby".

At those words Scarled laughed cutely and then both you and Shanks bursted out into a laugh too.

"I think she just laughed at you, darling".

"Yes yes..." and you turned the other way.

"Aaww you seem teased".

"Yeah I am, stupid".

At this he stood up and came to hug you.

"Tell me... You acted like this just to be hugged?"

"Yes" and then you closed your arms around his neck and Shanks gave you a peckon your lips.

"I love my family with all my heart, you know?".

"Yep...I love you too" you said and then went to pick Scarlet up. She smiled at you and returning to Shanks you said."She really has your eyes and hair.".

"This is why we called her Scarlet... I love red"... "but as for beauty she took after you, my love".

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