::26:: Failed attempts

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You know your life has taken a sudden turn when you some how find yourself in a police station. Which is where I found myself on either July sixth or seventh. I still had no clear idea on what day it was. Time seemed to all have jumbled together after the Fourth of July festival. The only positive I could find in this situation was that I wasn't there because I was being a hooligan. It was because the second that the police officer set foot into the station about ten other cops recognized who I was, and congratulated him on saving me.

He was incredibly confused, but figured it out once he noticed a poster hanging on the wall of missing kids and teens and saw that my poster was the biggest. No doubt because my mother had thought the bigger it was, the better some might have been able to find me.

The crazy part was the fact that it had worked.

The officers on duty began badgering me with questions. Did I see who kidnapped me? Was I abused or hurt in any way? Why did they kidnap me? Would I be able to identify who kidnapped me if they were shown to me?

Of course I played dumb saying that I didn't know the answer to any of the questions. Well, except the abuse one. I told them I was pretty sure I wasn't abused after they asked me fifty times.

"When are my parents getting here?" I asked before they could ask me another stupid question. I couldn't take any more of this. I was going to explode. At first I was nervous because it was my first time in a police station, and had held my hands tightly to keep myself from reaching for the door. Now, I was clenching my hands to keep myself from decking the officer in the face, and then running out the door yelling profanities.

Yeah, they'd probably drag me back with a charge for assaulting an officer. Then I'd be even more pissed off.

My attitude towards other people has changed pretty dramatically since that fateful day I had decided to go on a walk, but some how I can't seem to regret it. If I had to go back, I think I'd mostly to the same things over again. Maybe not all the same exact things, but most of them.

"Alex Kenan, your parents are her," Some lady called out to me. As I walked past her into the lobby, I smelled all of the perfume that her had been wearing. It was enough to make my eyes water, and gag reflexively. "Oh, honey, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." I coughed, trying to get away from her awful perfume.


My eyes snapped up to a voice that I hadn't realized that I had been missing so much. My mom opened her arm to me, her blue eyes brimming with tears and a bittersweet smile on her face. She wore her normal casual clothes, a pair of tennis shoes, jeans, and a sweatshirt. She probably had rushed over to get me as soon as she heard I had been found judging by her unkept messy brown hair.

"Mom." I muttered into her should as I all but tackled her into the ground. Tears began to stream down my face without resraint, and I found myself trembling as my mom held me tight. Her arms felt so thin from what I remembered.

"Oh, Honey, I was so worried about you." She started to sniffle, and I knew I would have to try and disarm this situation before she went all out into the waterworks.

"I'm okay, Mom. What's happened while I've been gone? You feel and look kind of thin." I asked a bit worriedly.

"Don't worry about it right now, Baby. Right now we need to get you home," She smiled at me and held the door open for me, "And believe it or not, your brother missed you, and he was as worried as I was."

"I don' think I'll believe it," I muttered as I stepped outside. The feeling I had when I got outside was different than I had experienced in a long time. I felt absolutely free and without a care in the world. Suddenly I remembered something I had almost completely pushed to the back of my mind. "Mom, wait, we need to stop off at the vetrinarian's office and pick up Luna."

How I Met my Kidnap-I Mean Your FatherWhere stories live. Discover now