Chapter Eight: Love It or Hate It

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"I...I'm sorry..." Sayori said looking back at the man.

"That's not my fucking name! I swear if you call me that one more time, I'll make another mark around your neck!" The man yelled.

Sayori looked down at the ground and began to weep a little.

"Hey..." I said, trying to hold back my anger. I began to walk towards the man while cracking my knuckles.

I felt a tug on the back of my shirt. I turned around to see Monika holding me back.

"D-don't hurt him... Sayori will blame herself..." Monika said softly.

The man turned around and slammed the door shut. He left my house and left Sayori just standing there crying.

"Who the fuck was that?" I asked.

"That's...that's Hector..." Monika said.

I walked over to Sayori, who was staring at the ground still.

"Sayori...are you okay...?" I said softly.

Sayori looked up at me slowly and scanned my face. Instead of saying anything she hugged me tightly.

"It''s so hard for me anymore..." She said.

Sayori let go of me and whipped her face with her sleeves.

"What happened Sayori?" I said, trying my best to confort her.

"I... accidentally called him you..." She said shyly.

"W-what do you mean?" I said.

"I... accidentally called him Spencer..."

It felt like someone just stabbed me in the heart. Sayori's boyfriend just insulted her because she accidentally called him my name.

"It's okay you want me to talk to him?" I said.

"I-Its fine...I'll be alright. It's my fault anyway..."

Sayori walked away and went upstairs before I could say anything else to her.

I turned to Monika, who was the only person who was still in the room.

"So that's the boyfriend?" I asked.

"...yes..." Monika said.

"I have some words I'd like to say to him, and a lot of them start with an 'F'"

Monika found that comment somewhat funny and a small smile appeared on her face.

I looked out the window, and luckily for him, Hector was gone.

"Fucker..." I said softly.

I grabbed my keys and I made my way towards the door. I needed to go out and buy some new clothes.

Fortunately there was one of my spare outfits in the laundry room and that's the one I was wearing now.

I walked out of my house and got into my car. I decided to take the Rolls-Royce as it's been forever since I've driven it.

I walked over to my car door until I felt something tug on the back of my shirt.

I turned around to see a familiar pink haired girl.

"Yes Natsuki?" I said.

"I'm...I'm going with you..."

"Why? I'm just going clothes shopping." I said.

"Well I want to make sure that you don't leave again..."

"Natsuki that doesn't happen until the end of the story..."

"I know but still...wait what did I just say?"

"Um...I don't know....I don't even remember what I just said."

"That's weird...anyway I'm going with you."

"I don't really get a choice in that do I?"

"Nope, no you don't."

Natsuki smiled at me and got into the passenger seat. I got into the driver seat and began to drive towards the NWG warehouse. I parked in the garage.

"Wait... Spencer this is..."

"The NWG headquarters, I need to tell them that I'm leaving." I said.

"You... you better be back in 5 minutes or else I'm gonna look for you."

"Okay Natsuki, I'll be back quickly."

I rubbed the top of Natsuki's head and I got out of the car. I walked into Khalils office and saw him filling out a file.

"Guess who." I said.

Khalil looked up at me and a smiled stretched across his face.

"Frost the uncontainable." Khalil said.

I took a seat in front of Khalils desk and handed him a letter.

"I'm taking a little vacation, so I'm gonna need my paperwork." I said.

"Sure thing." Khalil said while he opened a drawer in his desk. He looked around in it for a minute and pulled out the oldest NWG file in existence. My file.

He opened the file and most of the information was blacked out. The papers inside were almost as thick as a book because of how many confirmed kills I have.

"Here you are sir, how long is the vacation?" Khalil said.

"Long enough."

With that, I stood up but Khalil stopped me before I left the room.

"Someone came in here earlier wearing a black trench coat. They left this letter by the door so I assume it's for always get weird mail." Khalil said while holding a letter.

I took the letter from Khalils hands and looked at it.

It had the word "Giampa" written on top of it.

"Giampa...why does that name sound so familiar..." I said in my head.

I opened the letter and it was just a few pictures of a baby.

"That's weird..." I said.

I threw the letter in the trash but left one photo in my pocket.

"Thanks Khalil." I said.

"See ya man, stay safe."

I walked back out to the garage to see Natsuki sitting on the hood of the Rolls-Royce. She reached her hand over to the spirit of ecstasy. She tried to pull on it.

"AH!" Natsuki yelled as the hood ornament disappeared into the hood of the car.

I began snickering and Natsuki looked over at me. She gave me a death stare when she figured out that I was laughing at her.

"Sh-Shut up!" Natsuki said.

"I'm sorry..." I said while still cracking up.

I got into the driver seat of the Rolls-Royce and me and Natsuki went over to a nearby mall.

"I still don't get why you wanted to come here, I'm just getting clothes for myself." I said.

"Well I just wanted to go somewhere...with you." Natsuki said shyly.

"Awe did Natsuki want to go on a date with meeeee?" I said sarcastically.



It Was A Good Day (A DDLC Fanfic Continuation of "That's Amore")Where stories live. Discover now