Chapter Three: Broken

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I woke up with my head on the steering wheel.

"Ah neck is killin me..." I said.

I lifted my head from the steering wheel. I looked in the mirror that was in my sun visor.

"Jesus Christ...I look like hammered shit." I said to myself.

The bottom of my eyes were black and there was dried blood on my face. I guess that was from when Jackson hit me.

I whipped my face and opened my glove box. I pulled out a small shoe box and opened it.

Inside was a spare suit with a Beretta on top. I put on the suit and went back to my mirror. I fixed my hair that way I didn't look like a bum.

"Somewhat better..." I said sadly to myself, trying to force a smile.

Today was a somewhat important day for me so I had to dress formal. Today was Drew's will also be the day that I meet Khalil and Vincent again, along with the rest of the NWG.

I got back in my SUV and drove over to a secluded Semetary behind a park.

I parked my SUV in the parking lot out front of the park and walked over to where the funeral was taking place.

I took a seat amongst two sections of chairs. The was a small wooden landing that a priest would normally stand on. Next to the landing was Drew's casket...closed.

On the side of the casket, it was decorated with various metals, symbols, and an NWG Logo.

On top of the casket, was a beautiful carving of the "King of hearts." Playing card. That was Drew's insignia card so it's no surprise it would be there.

Khalil stood up and walked up the landing. He caught the attention of everyone and we all remained silent.

Khalil began to speech.

"The NWG is an organization that was founded to help the fellow man. We were made to fight the battles for those who cannot. Those of us who are in the NWG are made...better yet molded to serve. It always bring great pain to us when we loose someone like Drew. Drew was our friend, our Ally, and our brother, and he will be souly missed." Khalil said, finishing his lecture.

I stood up from my chair and walked on the landing. I wanted to say something about Drew as well.

All of the people eyes were on me. I guess they weren't expecting me to be here.

" that Spectre Frost?" A man asked.

"I think so...he's still alive?!" Another man answered.

I ignored those comments and started my speech.

"Drew wouldn't want us to be sad about his death, as he opened the door to the NWG's conquest. He gave us the strength, the courage, and the bravery to fight Taskforce Shield. He was nothing less of a hero, and his death was the turning point for the NWG. May he experience peace in the new world." I said.

Khalil held a drink in his hand a raised it up in the air.

"Glory to the New World!" Khalil yelled.

"Glory to the New World!" Everyone cheered.

I walked back to my car and leaned up against the side of it. I reached into my suit pocket and pulled out a small cigar.

I stared at it for a moment, and then lit it.

"Heh, I remember when Monika tried to get me off of these ol things." I said to myself.

"You sure do talk about Monika a lot..." A familiar voice said around a corner.

I looked to my right to see that Vinnie was walking towards me. He leaned up against my car next to me and pulled out a cigar as well.

I pulled out a Zippo lighter and lit his cigar.

"Yeah...she's a little pissed right now." I said.

"Why's that...?" Vinnie asked, concerned.

"She thought I died...and she told me some things..." I said sadly.

"Listen dude, from what I saw in that mansion, you love those girls, and those girls love you."

"You think so?" I asked.

"I'm positive, I gotta go man. I wish you the best of luck." Vincent said while he walked away.

I waved him goodbye and got into my SUV. I drove to a nearby bar and took a seat on one of the bar stools.

"How the hell am I going to get them me again...?" I asked myself.

"Maybe find Natsuki...or maybe Sayori? Or maybe even-"

"Hey..." I heard a voice say from behind me.

"Oh um...hi" I said confused. Standing behind me, was a woman in a black dress. He hair was done really nice and she was really pretty.

"Have you by any chance... stopped a purse snatching by any chance?" The woman said.

"Uhm last night... I think so." I said dumbfounded, still affixed on how pretty this girl was.

"That was uh...that was me. I just wanted to thank you for that. Could I by any chance buy you a drink?" The woman said while taking a seat next to me.

"Uhm sure I guess." I said.

She reached her hand out to me and grinned.

"I'm Scarlett." She said.

"Spencer." I said.

"It's a pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure is all mine."

Scarlett giggled a little bit and the bartender came over with our drinks.

I drank my drink slowly but Scarlett drank like 4 before I even finished mine. She seemed to hold her alcohol quiet well.

" anyway that's when I founded the NWG. Hence the name New World Genesis." I said, finishing my story.

"Wow so you're like a hero. I bet you're a really stroooong man." Scarlett said while walking her fingers up my arm.

"I used to think that what I was doing was good, until someone told me otherwise." I said sadly, referencing what Monika said to me the other night.

"Who cares what they think, a cute boy like yourself doesn't need someone like that anyway." Scarlett said in a flirty voice.

"Yeah I suppose so." I said.

"Say...maybe we could take this meeting back to my place...?" Scarlett said.

I looked over at her and noticed that she was a little tipsy.

"Scarlett, I think you're drunk..." I said, a little concerned.

"No I'm not drunk, you're drunk... c'mooooon it'll be fun." Scarlett said while swaying back and forth.

"I'm heart belongs to someone else." I said.

I don't know why but, I missed Monika, Yuri, Natsuki, and Sayori too much to go for another woman.

"Fffine..." Scarlett said while leaning back in her chair. She almost fell backwards but I caught her stool. She set her head down on the bar and I think she passed out.

I fixed my jacket and walked back out to my car.

"Time to face the music..." I said to myself.


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