Chapter One: Locked Up

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Quick Note: Make sure to read these in order or they won't make sense.

1. Wait For Me To Come Home.
2. That's Amore
3. It Was A Good Day
4. The Pursuit Of Happiness
5. The Pain In My Heart


"I don't blame you..." I said. I looked down at my dress shoes.

"Thanks for at least letting me peaceful here." I said.

"No problem..." Odysseus said.

Odysseus was my "Guardian angel" or something along those lines. She always appeared in my dreams.

I was in a dream now. Me and Odysseus were standing on a white platform and I was sitting on a small stool before her.

My dreams were the only place where I felt peaceful anymore. I was thrown in jail some time ago. I sacrificed myself to the police that way my friends Monika, Yuri, Natsuki, and Sayori could get live normal lives.

I'd be lying to you if I said I didn't have feelings for them...but I couldn't let those get the best of me.

They deserve the happiness... I don't...I want happiness...but I don't deserve it...

"Are you okay?" Odysseus asked. She broke my train of thought and I looked up at her.

"Y-Yeah..." I said.

"What's the matter Spencer? I'm your Gaurdian angel so I can't ever really be mad at you." She said.

"Did I deserve this?" I said.

" you don't..." Odysseus said.

I wasn't expecting her to give such a straight forward answer.

"Bad things happen to good people sometimes Spencer...I'm sorry." She said.

"I deserve happiness..." I whispered.

"Spencer you're not thinking know...are you?" Odysseus asked concerned.

"Today is Drew's funeral, I'm not missing that." I said angrily.

"Spencer wait!" Odysseus said while a black wave covered my face.

I jerked up in bed and looked around my cell.

"Today is the day..." I said.

I looked up at the clock enclosed in a cage. The time read about 2 AM.

"Hehe just in time..." I said.

I walked over to my friend Jackson that was sleeping in a bed next to me.

"Jackson wake the fuck up!" I whisper yelled.

"The fuck you want?" He said.

"It's time!" I said.

Jackson sat up in his bed and faced me.

"Are you sure about this?" Jackson asked.

"If I was ever sure about anything...this would be it." I said.

"Your call Spence." Jackson said.

Jackson cocked his hand back and punched me sqaure in the face.

I turned around and punched Jackson back. Other prisoners woke up and started yelling when they saw me and Jackson fighting.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! What's going on in there!?" The gaurds said while they hurried down the hallway.

Jackson pushed me to the ground and stood over top of me. The gaurds panicked and opened the door to attempt and restrain Jackson.

I punched and knocked out the two gaurds and looked at Jackson.

"Well shit..there's step one." I said.

Jackson smirked over at me and handed me one of the gaurds guns.

"We got about 68 seconds until the alarm goes off." Jackson said.

"Let's haul some ass then." I said.

Me and Jackson started running down the hallways and up some flights of stairs.

We'd come to some locks along the way but we just shot them with the pistols.

Me and Jackson made it to the roof.

"Tie the rope to that bar!" I yelled.

Jackson ran over to a bar standing out of the ground and wrapped the rope around it. I threw the other end of the rope over the building and began to descend down it.

I felt a large jerk on the rope.

"The hell was that?!" I yelled.

"The rope just snapped. I got you!" Jackson said while holding the other end of the rope.

I made it to the ground and Jackson attempted to rapple down. Two police officers came onto the roof and pointed their guns at Jackson.

"Jackson!" I yelled.

"Run Spencer! Go home! Freedom is for you!" Jackson yelled from the rooftop.

I began running as fast as I could through the tall grass fields that surrounded the jail.

"Soon Monika...soon." I said while running. 

I saw some light in the distance so I hurried towards it. It was a small gas station.

I took a second to catch my breath.

"Jesus...I need to exercise more..." I said while panting.

"It's only been two damn weeks and I'm already this out of shape?" I asked myself.

I lifted my head up and saw something rather peculiar.

"N-No! Get away from me!" A woman yelled.

"Give me the fucking bag!" A man said while sitting on top of a motorcycle.

A man was robbing a woman of her purse will pointing a knife at her.

"N-No! Someone help me!" The woman called out.

I grabbed a small brick from off the ground. I ran over to the man and hit him as hard as I could with the brick. The man fell to the ground and his bike fell on top of him.

"Th-thank you sir..." The woman said.

"Yeah..." I said.

The woman ran away and I picked up the knife that the thief dropped. I pointed it at him.

"Your clothes and the keys of your bike. I want them now!" I said while pointing the knife at him.

The thief dropped his clothes and gave them to me. I took the keys to his bike and started the engine of it. I drove away while the thief stood there in nothing but his underwear.

I also took his wallet which had a couple hundred dollars in it.

" feels good to be free." I said to myself.

I looked around at all the beautiful lights of the city as I drove down the highway.

I began to feel a slight pain in my stomach. Luckily I wasn't shot or stabbed this time...I was hungry.

I pulled the bike into a small dinner and went inside. I took a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt from the theif that way I wouldn't look so suspicious wearing an orange jumpsuit.

I entered the diner and took a seat at a small booth. I twiddled with the keys of the motorcycle until a waiter came over to me.

"C-Can I take your order?" A familiar voice said.

I looked over at the waiter and slowly scanned her. She had long purple hair that ended at her thighs and crept over her chest. It seemed that her shirt was too small for her.

I looked up at her face and she looked at mine. Her facial expression changed as she figured out who I was.



It Was A Good Day (A DDLC Fanfic Continuation of "That's Amore")Where stories live. Discover now