Chapter Six: I Tried So hard...

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I looked over to my left to see that Natsuki was still sleeping on my arm. She was almost smiling in her sleep.

"Naaaaaatsuuuuki." I sang in a soft voice.

No response, I guess she was having a good dream.

"Naaatsuuuki." I said again.

Her face began to twitch a little. I tugged on her cheek and she began to slowly open her eyes.

She opened them confused and then looked at me. Her face looked peaceful but soon turned embarrassed when she realized how close me and her were.

Natsuki panicked and pulled way from me.

"G-Gah! When did we get so close?!" Natsuki said.

"Heh good morning to you too Natsuki." I said jokingly.

Natsuki stood up and adjusted her shirt. I got up as well and walked towards Natsuki's dresser. I adjusted my suit and fixed my messed up hair.

"I really need to get more clothes..." I said.

"You don't have to wear that old suit anymore...since you um...left the NWG." Natsuki said.

"Yeah, I'll go get changed." I said.

"Um, Monika took your room when you disappeared, so I don't know if your stuff is still there."

"Oh...well good point." I said.

I began to walk over to Natsuki's door and unlock it. I turned the knob slowly until Natsuki looked over at me concerned.

"A-Are you sure you're ready to face them?" She asked.

"I don't have much choice Natsuki..." I said.

I walked out into the hallway and walked towards Yuri's room and noticed that she was still sleeping.

I closed her door and walked slowly downstairs. I saw Monika sitting on my living room couch with her head against the back of it.

She was wearing a white hoodie with the hood up, so you couldn't see her face. Her brown hair draped out the front of the hood.

On the table by the couch, was the familiar empty tub of ice cream and a couple of empty beer cans.

I turned around the corner and Monika jerked up. She whipped her face and turned her head towards me.

I could see her face this time. Her eyes looked sore, possibly from crying. There was dried mascara on her face that got smudged.

She looked as if she hadn't slept in days.

"Why...why won't you just leave me alone." She said in a sad and tired voice.

"Monika I can't just...let you go." I said.

"You have before...and I know if I let you in again, you'll do the same thing again." Monika said.

"Monika...I love you... I don't want to leave you again..." I said.

"Love...?" Monika repeated.

She stood up and grabbed a vase from one of my shelves in the living room.


She threw the vase at me full force. I put up my arms in front of me to shield me from the impact, but it just caused the vase to break.

There were shards of porcelain in my arms, but I ignored the pain. Monika just stood before me breathing heavily while gritting her teeth together.

"I hate fuckin much..." Monika said softly, trying to hide her anger.

I approached Monika and pulled out my M9 Beretta. I twisted the gun in my hand that way the handle was facing Monika.

"Here then." I said.

Monika hesitantly took the gun from my hand. Her bottom lip began to tremble as she looked at it.

"If you hate me so much...then I can't live with that. If you truly hate me, then I want you to shoot and kill me." I said.

I wasn't afraid of death at this point. These girls meant so much to me that I'd rather die than have them hate me.

"I...I..." Monika tried to get words out but she was just stuck.

She looked up at me. I looked deeply into her emerald green eyes. I began to remember the first time I saw those.

She was in my bed and the very first thing she did was lay a tender kiss on my lips. I missed that...

Monika looked down at the gun again and then at me.

"Fuck you..." Monika said.

She dropped the Beretta on the ground and slowly walked towards me.

She wrapped her arms around me slowly and I did the same.

I hugged her tightly. I just wish that I could stay there until all the sadness...all the stress...all the anger would leave Monika's body.

"I...missed you so much..." Monika said softly, probably hoping I wouldn't hear her.

"You never left my mind Monika...I still love you..." I said.

"I...I can't take it if you leave again..."

"Then I won't."

"It'll take time for me to believe that..."

"Then I'll be with you every step of the way."

I let go of Monika and looked at her face. I pulled out a small cloth from my suit pocket and whipped her face.

Monika looked up at me. It seemed like her eyes were glowing, but it was hard to tell when it was day time.

I slowly leaned my head towards Monika and she closed her eyes.

"You two are so gushy towards each other." Natsuki said while watching me and Monika.

I pulled away right before mine and Monika's lips touched.

"Heh uh yeah..." I said embarrassed.

Monika flipped her hood down and moved her fingers through her messed up hair. It was a mess.

"Oh did I interrupt on your little moment there?" Natsuki said sarcastically.

"N-No...I mean what moment?" Monika said.

Natsuki giggled to herself.

"A-Anyway is Yuri up yet, Natsuki?" Monika asked, still a little flustered.

"Yeah she's still sleeping. She went to bed really early last night." Natsuki said.

"Did she get a job?" I asked.

"Yeah she's a waiter at a small diner, I don't know why though...we have such a large supply of money." Monika said.

"I guess she just wants to find a man like Sayori did..." Natsuki said.

"Wait...what?" I said.

"Sayori...she has a boyfriend..." Monika said a little concerned.

My best friend...has a boyfriend...


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