06/11/14 -- 2:02 AM

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Whenever someone asks me to tell something about myself, I say my age, likes, dislikes, hobbies, and all those other usual things you're supposed to say. But honestly - in the back of my mind - I want to say how weak and coward I can get at times or how I easily get depressed over things. I want to say that I'm full of insecurities and a lot of things scare me. I want to say that I didn't have a great childhood, and that my past still defines me up to this point. I want to say that I'm a girl with a lot of issues, I'm damaged goods, I'm broken - beyond repair. But still, I want to let you know that past those stutterings, those awkward moments, those inexplicate behavior - past everything - there's a girl who doesn't have a lot of friends but cares deeply to those few she has. She's a girl who has a lot of potential but too scared to act on it, a girl who loves to write flowery language and speaks in complete poetry, a girl who stares at the sky every night simply because the beauty of it takes her breath away, a girl who dreams to fall insanely deep in love someday when she finally learns how to let people in. I want to let you know that past all the insecurities that are eating me alive, I still believe that there's a part of me - a little, hidden part of me - worth knowing.





This. I want to shout this to the world.

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