Chapter26 : We're more than a pack. We're family

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It's been a week since we found Theo. And it's been quite. Really quite. Isaac hasn't showed up yet.
In the meantime we are moving my dad's stuff into the safe house. And everyone is moving back to their old houses. It's just a precaution.

"Dad, we will be here everyday. We have different class times so we will make turns being here."
"Allison. I don't need my kid to keep watch over me."
"It's just to prevent anything from happening sir."
"Yeah. So no fighting it Dad!"
"Well oky fine. Then it's good if you take responsibility for your mistakes."
"Oh come on. How was I suppose to know he was a crazy person? You can't seriously blame me for this?"
"It's your fault I have to watch over my shoulder. So yes... I'm blaming you."
"Sir. To speak freely I just see that as a bit unfair."
"Theo you have no right to talk to me like that. You are still not off the hook, if I haven't made that clear yet. You might be helping me. But I will always have my theories about you."
Theo takes a few steps away from Chirs. And gives me a worried look. Suddenly both of us get a mesage at the same time.
It's Scott.
It reads:

Hi guys. I just wanted to let you know, Kira is going back to the SkinWalkers, she's acting out, again. Stiles is going back to his FBI training. I'm going to continue studies to be a vet. I've decided to do this because, Isaac seem to have stopped causing trouble. The twins are leaving aswell. They didn't say where they were going or when they'll be back. If you have any trouble at all ,Deaton told me to tell you guys he will be more than happy to help. And for emergencies only you can call my mom. And by that I mean if someone needs medical help. But if things get too hectic, don't hesitate to call me, instead of calling anyone else. I would do anything to help, after all you guys are my pack. I will always be there for you guys. We are a family, just leave the rest of the pack in peace for a bit,don't let them worry about anything that's happening in town, they deserve to take a break. Lydia is with Stiles at this moment. She didn't seem to know when she'll be back in town.
In the meantime Liam and Malia is there to help you with everything supernatural aswell as Parrish. He also said he will help ,when he is needed. And as for the Sheriff, the same counts for him, only go to him if you don't know what else to do. See you guys soon. Be safe.


Bummer. Now we're all alone. We have to handle this town and all supernatural insedents ourselves without a Banshee to lead the way, a Kitsune to fight for us, the twins who can kill anything and an Alpha, who leads us and shows us the way. In other words. Theo, Liam and Malia are Omega's untill Scott returns. This isn't good at all.
I get ripped out of my thoughts when the front door flew open.

"Guys can you believe this! Scott is leaving us to defend the entire town alone!"
"Come on Liam it's not that bad."
"Babe, maybe not for you. But the three of us, Liam,Malia and I are alone without an Alpha. Which means..."
"You guys are Omega's. I know! But really. I mean Scott deserves to go on with his life. He can't just stay here his whole life."
"Allison! You don't know. We are in big shit right now oky! The news is going to spread like a fire that Scott is leaving and th..."
Theo cuts him off.
"And that we're without an Alpha."
"Guys. You are surrounded by people who's on your side! And not to forget you have a freaking Hell Hound on your side, a nurse and lastly the County Sheriff!"

"But is that enough?"
Malia say from behind me.
"God, you're sneaky!"
"Sorry. But Liam and Theo has a point."
"Come on you guys, I know you're panicing. But we've got this. Nothimg bad will happen to any of us as long as we stick together."
"Not to kill your positivity babe. But how are we going to stick together. We have to look after your Dad and each other at the same time."
"We'll figure it out."
I motion them to all come closer.
"We always do."
I pull them into a group hug. And while we were having this conversation we forgot aboit my dad who was sitting by the dinning table.

"You guys will be fine ,I have been thinking while you were talking, just a minute ago. And I want to help. "
"What do you mean?"
"I'm calling off the rest of the hunters. Then there's one less thing to worry about. So for now you guys need to pick a group leader. Someone who will make the decisions while Scott's gone."
"Thanks Dad. And He's right guys. Who do you think should run the group decisions now? We'll have a vote. Dad help please?"
"Sure. Who votes for Malia..?"
No one lifted their hands, their all just staring at me."Liam?"
No one lifted their hands again. And before Chris could continue Theo cuts him off.
"We want Allison to be Leader."
"Wait what?"
"Yeah. Who else would be a better leader than you?"
Liam stated.
"I agree. Allison. We voted. And you have to accept."
"Are you guys sure?"
Theo smiles while putting his hand on my shoulder.
"Oky. Then it's sorted. I'll be the team leader. If that's what you want. I won't let you guys down."
"Yay! I like it."
Malia cheered. And everyone laughed.
I lokk at my dad.
"If you need advice I'm here Allison."
"Thanks dad."
"Thank you sir."
"Sure thing Theo. Oh and I might be helping you but that doesn't mean you're off the hook.
"Right. I knew that."
Theo stated. Again taking a few steps away from my dad.
He was actually not so bad. The way I see it is that he's just very over protective.
The day went on as any other normal day. We went to our classes and afterwards we met at the safe house, which used to be the old Argent house when I was little. Every day I walk into that house alot of memories start flowing back. I imagine my mom in the kitchen everytime I walk into the front door. I miss her everyday. Isaac will suffer for what he did.
It's 7pm and all of us are sitting in the living room of the 'Safe house' laughing and chatting.
"Guys. How about I take all of you out for dinner?"
"Wow Dad, really?"
"Why not?"
"That sounds good to me."
"Theo when someone mentions food your always first in line." Liam jokes. Theo gives him a glare and started laughing.
"Where are we going? Please tell me we're getting pizza?"
"Anything you guys want."
"Pizza!" Malia yells out laughing.
"I second that!"
"Me too!"
Everyone agrees with Malia. I just laugh and shake my head looking at my dad.
"Pizza it is."
Malia yells running out the door and to the SUV.
"I call shotgun!" Liam yells like a five year old.
Malia moves into the first seat and look at Theo and I.
"You two sit in the back! Like little kiddies!"
She laughs.
"I really don't mind."
"Oh no, Malia bad idea. Now you gave them the perfect make out spot! Damn you!" Liam stated
"Oops?" Malia lifted her hands in the air while giggling.
"Hey Theo!?" Chris looks into the mirror.
"Yes Sir?"
"Hands were I can see them. In other words in the air!" My dad teased. When I looked over to Theo he was blushing like crazy. Trying to hide it from me.
I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. The rest of the ride to the Pizza parlour was amazing.Everyone was laughing and making jokes.

I have the best friends in the world. What would I actually be without them? We're more than just friends, we're a pack and in some way we're a family. No matter where we are.
I think to myself.
Just before we got out of the SUV, I broke the silence.
"I love you guys!"

Falling For The Werewolf//Allison ArgentWhere stories live. Discover now