Chapter 38: What did that tree ever do to you?

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*Allison's POV*

After everything that happend last night no one slept. We were just sitting on my bed and stared at the black screen of the TV.  Liam , Stiles and me.

The next morning we went down to get some breakfast. When Stiles wanted to leave. He got out of the door but then came back with a note.
"What's that?"
"I think it's for you."
I took the note from his hand and looked at it. There was only three words written.
It reads:

Who's next

I could feel my temprature rising I started shaking in anger. Liam came closer putting his hand on my shoulder.
I pushed his hand away, ran out of the front door and just kept running. Luckily I was wearing my sweatpants and a comfortable shirt. I think Liam and Stiles are following me but I don't care. I just needed to get the frustration out.

When I came to a stop I was in the woods. I looked around and saw the Jeep.
I kept running, feeling tears running down my face. I came to a stop again after almost running into a tree. I stood there looking at the tree. Still crying. I just lost my mind. I started punching the tree. Harder each time. When I punched it for the last time I gave out a massive scream and fell to the ground.
*Liam's POV.*
"Stiles did you hear that?"
"I think everyone heard that. "
"Come on , keep up we need to find her."
We started running through the woods. I'm following her scent. Then I saw her resting on her knees holding her hand with the other one. And it's covered in blood.
"Oh my god! What did you do!?"
"I... I..."
"Wow Allison... What did that tree ever do to you?"
I ignore Stiles and look back at Allison who's face was all red and her eyes filled with tears. She looked at me and burst into crying. I felt so sorry for her. I grabbed her and hugged her. Stiles came closer doing the same.
She just kept on crying. I didn't know what to say, or do. I just I can't show her that I'm weak. While in reality that's what I am. I had to pretend to be strong... For her.
" Hey. Come on let's get you home? Liam? What do you say?"
"Yeah. I think you cooled off alot. And besides it's not safe in the middle of the woods."
"We need to find Lydia. And  the twins, Isaac and Theo. And everyone else who's in our pack. We need to save them. I don't want to loose more of my friends, actually, I don't want to loose more of my family."
"Oky. Let's do that them. We go to Lydia. Stiles give us a lift?"
"Yeah. Don't think you're going alone."
We walked to his Jeep. And got in. We drove to Lydia's house where the twins and the others were waiting already.
"Guys. I know we have lost some of our pack and family... But no ine else dies! We are going to fight back. I won't allow it that we are being hunted by a maniac."
"So what do you suggest?"
Theo looks at me whith a stupid look on his face.
"Well Theo... We need to hit them where the least expect it."
"Like were Liam?" Isaac looked at me.
"Well every pack's weakness us if something happens to their Alpha abd worse if their Alpha turns on them."
"So what? We get Derek on our side?"
"Or atleast we make her think he's on our side."
"How do we do that?"
"Aiden... That part we still have to figure out. But something tells me we need to visit an old friend in Eichen House."
"No! Uh-uh. No way. You leave him right were he is. You remember what he did the last time?"
"Ethan ,someone has to tell him about Malia so why not use this as an oppertunaty?"
"Ethan's right. No way."
Isaac stated.
" I um... I second that."
"Isaac, Theo, Ethan... We are not breaking him out. Just asking for advise."
"Well Liam. You're stupid. You know he won't help untill we get him out of that place." Theo said again. But I ignored him.

"Who are you talking about?"
"Peter Hale."
"Who's he?"
"Liam... You didn't tell her?"
Isaac gives me a look.
"No. Because I thought Malia was going to tell her." She looks at me with a confused expression on her face.
"Tell me what?"
"Peter Hale is Malia's real Father." I look at her them to everyone else hoping someonelse would say something.
"Hale? As in part of Derek's family?"
"Yeah Peter is Derek's uncle." Isaac explains.
"And Malia's dad..."
"Jup. She probably didn't tell you because  she was ashamed of him." Theo stated.
"Why is he in Eichen House?"
"Scott put him there." 
Isaac said before I could.
"To keep all of us safe." Theo looks at me
"Oky now. Let's get going. We need to find Peter."

When we got there the receptionist told us that Peter's not there anymore.
We walked back to our cars. 
"Maybe I should howl?"
"Uhg Theo. Just shut up. Liam maybe that could work. Because Scott was Peter's Beta so maybe he would responde to you to."
I took a deep breath and howled. About a few seconds after that I heard another howl.
"It worked! Theo,Isaac ,Aiden and Ethan come with. Stiles you take the girls somewhere safe."
*Allison's POV*
We got into the Jeep when Lydia said,
"This isn't going to end well. We shouldn't have split up."
"Sweety not to be rude or anything but please! Stop predicting Negative things!" Stiles teases
"It's not negative if we can prevent it!" Lydia says with a nnoyed look on her face.
"You two! Stop it. We need to go. So shh and Stiles drive."

We drove to my house. When we got there Stiles said he was going to get us some dinner so we had to go inside and lock the doors. So we did. The two of us didn't talk we just sat in silence untill Sriles came back.
I don't know what to say to her because it hurts so bad losing Malia. We are in grief and don't know how to handle it.
When Stiles came back we ate our dinner leaving enough for Liam and tge others aswell. Stiles turned on the TV and we didn't say a word to one another.

The silence was broken by Liam and the other guys coming into the house. They were all chatting and laughing for some reason.
"Guess who we found!"
Liam pointed towards Jackson and Peter.
"Wait these two together? Why?"
"We got past our differences."
Jackson smiled. Walking over to me and hugging me. Looking into Lydia's direction, smiled and walked to her greeting her with a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
"So... You're Malia's dad?"
"Well the correct words are... Was her dad. But yes. Yes I am."
"I'm really sorry."
"So you're the daughter of the pshyco who killed my daughter?"
"The correct word is... Was."
He gives me a sympathetic look then walked to the livingroom where everyone was.
"So what makes you think Derek will help us?"
"Wherever I am he'll pop ip and help. And if not I'll help you kill her myself."
I give him a small smile and walked uo the stairs. Lydia following me.
I got into my room and sat on my bed, resting my head in my hands.
"Hey. How ate you holding up?"
"Well for starters... I miss Malia. I miss Scott. I wish Kira can come home. But then there is just one more friend dying."
"Alli... I know this is hard. But hey. You still got me. I miss them too. Alot. And I'm hoping Kira doesn't come home. She's safe right now."
"But we're not. What if... What if none of us survive?"
"Not everyone will survive but in the end it will be over and the rest of us has to go on with our lives. It may be hurting right now but it does get better."
"I'm scared Lyds. I'm scared I'm going to loose Liam, I'm scared I'm going to loose you. And my dad. I just, I want to stop this before anything else happens to you guys."
"Don't worry. I'll be the first to know when something bad is going to happen, I'll try and help to prevent it."

"I don't want to loose more of you."

Falling For The Werewolf//Allison ArgentWhere stories live. Discover now