!!!!A/N Attention!!!!

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Hihi guys. I know my book says all rights reseved. But just to give you a heads up, Chapter 33has a slight bit of mature content. Nothing to major. Promise. It's just like the Teen Wolf episodes which has a little bit of interaction.


So Theo and Allison is history. Now someone else is in her life and most certainly the last. Untill the end of the book. Which BTW is soon.

wanted to keep it about Theo. But then I had a brain storm. These two will make a cute couple. (In the story that is). You know how they say, two wrongs make a right? Well in this couple's case it is like that.

Thank you for choosing my book.

To my readers...
You guys are amazing. Keep reading.  And leave comments on what you think about my new Couple and don't forgrt to vote.

Have fun.

Falling For The Werewolf//Allison ArgentWhere stories live. Discover now