Chapter 5 - Show Me

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"Oi, Min! Brought your boyfriend back to get his ass beat too?" Newt slurred jovially, crooked smirk plastered across his face as he slung an arm loosely around Alby who grinned evilly.

"Or is that your job?" The dark skinned boy questioned, chuckling slightly as he spoke, before collapsing into a fit of snorts and wheezes, stumbling as he leaned into Newt who was doing no better at containing his own laughter.

"Oh, you are on!" Thomas declared, moving away from Minho and stomping defiantly to the beer pong table, determination written all over his face as he scowled irritably at his drunken friends. Minho reluctantly followed, groaning slightly to himself as he went. Normally, he would've been excited to have a teammate but there was one, itsy-bitsy, teeny-tiny problem... Thomas absolutely sucked at beer pong.

Minho watched in utter dismay as Thomas grabbed a ball and attempted to line up a shot, bending over slightly and slowly swaying his hips from side to side, trying to find the perfect angle as he squinted his eyes scrutinizingly at the plastic cups lined up before him - It was entirely incorrect and not at all sexy.

Minho was positively appalled as his friend flicked his wrist and sent the small, plastic sphere flying into the air where it flew depressingly far away from its goal, failing to even land on the table as it plummeted uselessly to the floor below.

"Wow! That was really close, Thomas!" Alby jeered with a shit-eating grin, pretending not to see Thomas flip him the middle finger as Minho stepped up to take his turn, hoping against hope that his skills alone could pull them to victory. The runner grabbed his ball and moved to line up his shot, closing one eye and positioning himself just so before tossing the thing gently, moving the motion through his whole body to make it smooth and precise. The plastic toy bounced once before dropping satisfyingly into the bright red cup he'd been aiming for, despite the swipe Alby took at it as Newt spat heated curses in the background.

"Bloody hell!" The blond muttered under his breath before snatching the claimed cup and bringing it to his lips, screwing his eyes shut and chugging the thing in one go before tossing it aside with a heavy huff of defeat. After a moment of consideration, Minho pointed out a cup in the back row to be the second victim from his bounce shot and Alby plucked it out of place with much less fuss then his boyfriend, drinking the contents slowly and actually taking a moment to breathe now and then.

Then the dark-skinned boy shot, carefully aiming for one of the closer cups and managing to sink the left one of the second row, causing Newt to whoop in pure elation as he thumped Alby roughly on the back, going on about his superior teammate. Thomas huffed and moved forward to take the punishment, scowling unhappily at the loss, but Minho sprung up and grabbed him by the wrist as soon as his pale fingers wrapped around the plastic.

"I'll take first cup." Minho offered quickly, earning a confused look from the other boy as he released his grip on the drink, cocking his head like a bewildered puppy but earning not but a shrug in reply. The truth was, Minho had known Thomas for as long as he could remember and it hadn't taken him long to figure out the kid was a fucking lightweight - The teen couldn't hold liquor to save his life. Even though Minho had been playing earlier, he still had much farther to go before his skills would even begin to be affected and if they had any chance of winning this, he had to keep Thomas sober as long as possible.

"Step back, the queen is present." Newt announced, lining up to take his turn as Minho swallowed back the lukewarm beer, the taste of it bland after already having drank a few and the feel of it sticky in his throat. The Brit radiated confidence as he leaned against the table and tried to bounce his ball into the peak of Thomas and Minho's pyramid but he slipped at the last second and the plastic sphere bounced away across the wooden floor before quickly becoming lost forever under the chaotic jungle of feet.

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