Chapter 8 - Nightmares and Daydreams

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The deep golden hues of warm sunlight cascading across the dull gray floorboards of the darkened room let the drowsy teen know he'd woken much later than usual as his dark eyes blinked against its brilliant light. He groaned against the radiant glow, a dull throb already pounding in his head, feeling like someone was slamming a sledgehammer behind his eyes, and the glimmering rays were doing nothing to alleviate the ache. The boy buried his face to avoid the reaching tendrils of light that plagued him, nuzzling into the warm softness that engulfed him without much thought, still too drunk with the haze of sleep to care about anything other than shielding his sensitive orbs.

His pillow groaned, then shifted closer to him, jolting the boy out of his contented daze as his eyes flew open once more and he came to realize the thing he'd nuzzled into was the pale skin of Thomas's neck. The runner tensed, heat rushed to his cheeks and his heartbeat picked up drastically as he came to realize his position.

His friend had squirmed his way flush up against Minho's chest, long, lanky arms encircled his torso as muscled legs tangled with his. The smaller boy's head rested against the other teen's upper body, nestled in the center of the Korean's chest, directly above his heart. His hot breath danced across the exposed skin there, leaving goosebumps in its airy wake. It might of been endearing, had Minho not been sure he could feel a line of drool leaking from the kid's mouth and pooling onto him.

However, the scene was no longer as shocking as it had been the day before, even if their position was a little more intimate, and Minho was able to refrain from leaping away from the boy as if he were the black plague this time. Instead, he attempted to carefully untangle himself from the other male, trying to shimmy his arm out from where it had been trapped beneath the younger teen's head as he slowly tried to pull away from the loose embrace of the slumbering boy.

Thomas whined softly in his sleep, pink lips turning downwards into a disgruntled frown as his pillow and heat source attempted to escape him, unconsciously tightening his grip on the other boy and squirming closer in protest. Minho froze, then huffed out a deep sigh of resignation, reluctantly halting his quest for freedom and bemoaningly accepting his cruel fate as a prisoner. He didn't want to wake his friend, especially not if the drum beat pounding behind his own eyes was anything compared to what the brunette would experience upon emerging from slumber. The best thing he could do for the boy was to let him sleep as long as possible, so that's what he would do - Even if it meant losing feeling in his pinned arm and being trapped to the confines of the cuddly boy's clinging embrace for hours.

Having nothing else to do, Minho found himself watching Thomas sleep - Not in a creepy way! Like in a, platonic "I just happened to notice you're kinda cute when you snore" broish typa way. It wasn't his fault the way the boy's long lashes fluttered shut and hung gently over closed eyes was captivating. Nor was he in any way to blame for the fact that the way the brunette's full, delicate lips twitched every once in awhile was mesmerizing. He certainly wasn't at fault for enjoying the way the worries and stress of daily life seemed to melt away from the male's face, leaving his features soft and carefree as he snuggled up into Minho's chest.

He'd just never realized how vulnerable the boy could look, never really stopped to think about how fragile the smaller teen could be - Gally's idiotic prank had changed something inside him. Made him realize Thomas could be lost. Could be stolen away from him. How would he live? He couldn't imagine a life without the flamboyant teen at his side, always making bad jokes that he didn't want to laugh at but somehow always did. Couldn't picture running in the mornings without the familiar rhythm of Thomas's footsteps falling in time with his. Couldn't see his dumbass prankster ways working without his loyal partner in crime. He couldn't lose his best friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2022 ⏰

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