The Symbiote

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The Venom design will seriously holy fuck, that's what all the comments were with the exception of one person, but still they also asked for it along with the fan art. Hope you guys enjoy

Port: remember class, your project on the Beowulf is due tomorrow, be ready to present it...Y/N!
I snapped awake and rubbed my eyes
Me: sorry....I must've dozed off
Port: you will be sticking with me for one hour after class
Me: sir I can't, the lab wants me to come in early
Port: two hours
Me: shit
Port: need I make it three
Me: no sir
Port: very good now, class dismissed, and Y/N, remember to stay
Me: I'm here....
I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Yang, the girl of my dreams.
Yang: looks like we're both here
Me: I don't mind that
She smiled and went to her seat, I sat next to her
Port began ranting about how we should pay attention, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to fall asleep again.
TimeSkip, the Lab
I ran into the lab, seeing my boss/mentor, Doctor Otto Octavius.
Otto: Y/'re late; alright who's class did you fall asleep in this time?
Me: Port's
Otto: really? god man you are always sleeping in there
Me: sorry
Otto: I'll have to take a small portion out of this weeks pay, You've been late so many times
Me: I'm sorry
Otto: stop apologizing, can you get your lab coat and gloves on
Me: yes sir
I ran over and got my gloves and coat on
Otto: now I need you to bring over that crate, be careful, it's heavy and fragile
Me: you weren't kidding, what's in here?
Otto: an ooze like substance, it was found in a meteor in the park.
Me: really? What time
Otto: I don't know the time, but they brought it over.
Me: so we're studying it?
Otto: the crate
I opened the crate and there was a canister, filled with a black substance.
Me: it's....moving?
Otto: Strange....
Otto placed the canister on a pedestal and it clamped down.
Otto: now we must begin testing it, see what t can do, what it could accomplish...this right here, could be the cure for cancer and we don't know it yet
Me: how do you plan to test it?
Otto: for now I plan to scan it, see what it has for us to get started....but since you're late we won't have time to do that today, now time for your job, you are to clean the lab, and it's delivery day, that means we will be getting more lab tools...beakers, coats because someone dropped acid
Me: the rat scared me
Otto: it was a hamster and you threw the acid at it
Me: it was dark
Otto: that's besides the point....the trucks here by the way, I have to get home to my wife, it's our anniversary and I promised to take her out
Me: I hope you the best of luck sir
Otto: thanks Y/N, if you need anything call me
Me: Alright
2 hours into the shift
I finished with unloading the truck. I was sweating, and it's now pitch black outside. I walked over and switched on a light and started cleaning.
Me: ok Y/N...don't be that time at lunch
I was walking with my food and I tripped, it all went on of course Yang. I immediately got up
Me: I am so sorry
One concussion later and she forgives me.
Flashback end
Me: alright now.....oh fuck
I looked at the canister and the black substance was gone.
Me: I didn't even touch it....oh man, Otto is going to kill me
I heard my scroll ringing and it was Otto
Me: hey Dr. was your dinner
Otto: it was wonderful, I was just checking up, making sure you aren't slacking off
Me: hehe no I'm working, I just started cleaning.
Otto: alright, take care, and I'll see you tomorrow
Me: you take care too
I put down my scroll and started panicking.
Me: alright let's see, where could it fuck
I saw the ooze, crawling on the floor right next to me, I decided to do the smart thing....sorta....and pick it up. It's weird...not a drop came off, I went to put it on the table but it wasn't coming started reaching out actually and pulling me in.
It jumped at me and everything went dark.
Yang POV
Me: come on Waylon, no one will find us
Waylon: are you sure, this is Octavius' Lab, he would be mad since I'm a student
Me: believe me babe, it will be fine
I opened the door and I saw the place was trashed
Me: isn't really clean is he?
Waylon: looks like the night shift guy bailed, hope he doesn't make me clean it
I laid on the floor...your move. He smirked and started lifting my shirt a little, the sound of glass then broke.
Me: what was that?
Waylon: Glass....wait here
He walked over and looked at the area
Me: what was the glass?
Waylon: it's a beaker....
From the ceiling these tentacle things came down and wrapped around him, he was then pulled up into the darkness. It was silent for a few seconds until I heard the sound of movement above and muffled screaming
Waylon *muffled*: YANG RUN
I got up and started running, I made it to the door and a large black figure was in front of the door, he was huge. He started walking closer, I then turned and started to run. I felt something wrap around my ankle and pulled, I tripped and was dragged towards it. I was then lifted and I felt a large hand on my shoulder, picking me up. He was breathing heavily, he had razor sharp teeth.
????: we see....we see why he likes you
His voice was deep, but scratchy, it was like two people talking
Me: who are you
????: Hehehehehe...we are Venom
Venom stuck it's tongue out and I turned my head as it ran across my cheek
Me: ew....
Venom then dropped me, the moment the lights came on he was gone. I immediately wiped my cheek off and realized something.
I climbed the table and went into the ceiling, I saw Waylon laying there, unconscious
Me: Waylon?
His eyes shot open and he started screaming
Waylon: DON'T KILL's you....what was that thing?
Me: something called Venom
Y/N POV head....what the...where am this...the ooze
????: we preferred to by called a Symbiote, and together


Hope you guys enjoyed the first official chapter to this, and before any of you guys say "how the hell is this going to work, he basically just scared the hell out of her and probably scarred her", I have a plan for all of that, believe me, things will get better now that I can work with Venom and Y/N's relationship more, with the taking control

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