Yang's Feelings

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What? 3 chapters in one day, what's going on? Idk what's going on, I just have a bunch of ideas and they just keep coming and coming, hope you enjoy, this will be the last chapter for atleast the day, though starting Saturday is another chapter.....hopefully

I woke up in the infirmary, I had a large pain in my head. I began looking around and I saw Yang sleeping in a chair.
Venom: we will be keeping watch, make our move before we lose more respect for you
Me: someone's in a grumpy mood
Venom: we don't like to be screwed with
She started waking up a little
Me: morning
Yang: Y/N.....you're up?
Me: hows it going
Yang: better, you've been out cold for three days
Me: three days?!
Venom: Wimp
Me: shut it you
Yang: is everything alright?
Me: I'm fine.....it's this symbiote....it talks to me
Yang: how did you get it?
Me: I was in Otto's lab, it came out of it's container, then everything went dark.
Yang: it attacked Waylon when we snuck into the lab, it mentioned "he", was that "he" you?
Me: it depends, what did it say
Yang: well, I don't remember completely, but is it true that you like me
Me: I uh....well shit
Venom: this is weak
Me: hey you want to try.....on second thought don't
Yang: please Y/N, I have to know
Me: I....I do like you, I just wish it was under better circumstances that I could've told you
Venom: we believe that death isn't the best time to tell someone
Me: are you reading my thoughts
Yang: Y/N
Me: yes?
Yang: I won't lie.....I think I like you as well
Venom: we can hear the moment your heart just snapped
Yang: oh screw it
She grabbed my shirt and kissed me. We then released.
Yang: so Y/N, how was that
Venom: hehehe that was your first kiss
Me: I....I loved that
Yang giggled a little bit
Salem POV
Carnage: you have to let me out sometime hahahaha
Me: Tyrian, fight the creature
Carnage: oh you don't understand, I don't take orders from your Faunus
He punched the glass making a crack
Carnage: well this would've been better
He punched through the glass and got out of the room.
Me: what are you planning to do....Carnage
Carnage: I'm thinking....a little bit of redecoration, a husk here and there, couple of cuties running around, that sorta thing
Me: you're kidding me right

Carnage: of course not, here let me show youArthur was coming down the hall and was immediately grabbed, Carnage began sucking the life out of him until finally he was nothing more than a husk

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Carnage: of course not, here let me show you
Arthur was coming down the hall and was immediately grabbed, Carnage began sucking the life out of him until finally he was nothing more than a husk.
Salem: interesting, now tell me Carnage, what are your weaknesses
Carnage: I don't believe I have any weaknesses
Salem: Cinder, step our here
Cinder came out and looked at Carnage
Carnage: well my my look at you, you seem let's say....fiery hahahaha
Salem: we want to know more about you Carnage
Carnage: You want to know more about me, well pretty lady, take a seat, you're going to have to hold on, this will be one hell of a ride.
I continued sitting in the bed, Yang left to go with Ruby for shopping. A small Black Tendril was sticking out of the palm of my hand.
Venom: we are ready
Me: yeah no, sorry Venom
Venom: what's your reason boy
Me: one because I'm resting and two, I can't fuck things up with Yang
Venom: you've only been dating her for 10 minutes
Me: can we do the whole Venom thing tomorrow, where we don't kill anyone and only hurt bad people
Venom: you are weak, we made the mistake of bonding with you, we would leave you if we could....but we bonded and I'll die if I can't find a well suited host
Me: well then, guess we're stuck together huh
Venom: indeed

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