Yang's Story

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I woke up in my dorm, I have one to myself, though it's the size of a cabin on a cruise, I'll take it....wait a minute....how did I get back here.....the symbiote.....oh god. I opened my closet and saw a chest with writing on it.
"Open with care, we got some fucked up shit up in this bitch"
Me: I'll just assume it's the Symbiote
I heard a voice next door, it had to be Yang, I grabbed a cup and put it up to the wall and listened in.
Yang: Waylon and I were attacked
Weiss: where were you last night?
Yang: trying to comprehend what I saw
Blake: what did you see?
Yang: a big dark figure, disappeared when the light turned on, it was huge
Ruby: what did it do?
Yang: it pulled Waylon into the ceiling, he screamed at me to run and I did, I didn't have my gauntlets or anything, and you know I've been a little weak lately so I couldn't fight back.
Weiss: I told you that scallop would screw with your stomach
Yang: that's beside the point, I was running and this tentacle thing went around my ankle and tripped me, it then dragged me and licked my face.
Weiss: it's too early to hear that
Yang: it did, it also spoke
Blake: what did it sound like?
Yang: deep and scratchy, like two people were talking....well it did use "we" a lot
Weiss: and you expect us to believe that?
Yang: yes
Ruby: I don't know Yang
Did....did I do that last night?
I heard my scroll ring, it was from Otto.
Me: oh fuck
I answered it
Me: hey....Dr. Octavius
Otto: my lab.....NOW
Yang POV
I left the dorm and I saw that Y/N kid...he looked exhausted.
Me: hey Y/N!!
He turned around and gave a weak smile
Me: where are you headed?
Y/N: I'm heading to see Dr. Octavius, he wants me at the lab, I have a feeling I'm in trouble
Me: I wish the best for you....oh wait I wanted to ask you something
Y/N: what is it?
Me: after you're done with Dr. Octavius, want to come to the beach with me and a few friends
Y/N: I'll try to make it
Me: take care
TimeSkip to the office
Me: what happened?
Me: oh shit
Otto: this lab is a mess, the hamster is dead, the black stuff is gone, I want you to pack your shit and get out
Me: but sir
Otto: OUT!!
He slammed the door in my face and I just left, this day has officially gone to shit....I'll definitely be taking Yang's offer on the beach.
TimeSkip to the Beach
I was wearing a rash guard and a pair of swim trunks.
Yang: hey Y/N over here

Me: uuuuuuuuhYang: eyes are up here, we just got here, I'm glad to see you made itMe: t-thanks for having me

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Me: uuuuuuuuh
Yang: eyes are up here, we just got here, I'm glad to see you made it
Me: t-thanks for having me....where's Waylon?
Yang: he cheated on me, so I dumped his ass
Me: ouch....
Yang: he said that I was to Fiery for him
Me: nah, I think you're the right amount of Fiery
Yang: thanks Y/N
Weiss: Ruby did you bring the ball?
Ruby: of course
Me: hi guys
RWB: hi Y/N
Me: that's horrifying
Yang: we're thinking of playing VollyBall, you interested
Me: I'd love to
Yang: pick a side
Me: well....I....uh
Yang: you'll be on my team
Me: ok!
Yang: you got excited
Me: shit you can see that....oh you mean.....NEVERMIND
Yang: before we play though, you think you could put some lotion on my back
I started blushing immediately.
Me: I a....yes
She giggled a little bit.
Yang: don't be shy, you never know when you're going to see me in a bikini again
Ruby started laughing, I guess she knew I liked her.
Ruby: look at him, he's red!!!
My eyes widened
Yang: it's fine, just go for it
Me: o-ok

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