Symbiotic Encounter

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Yeah I couldn't wait until Saturday, I would've forgotten, anyway hope you enjoy the chapter

I shook awake and sat up
Me: you really need to stop doing that
Venom: there isn't time to sleep, we have a relative coming
Me: what are you talking about?
Venom: we feel the presence of a four other symbiote on this planet
Me: where's the closest one besides you
Venom: in Vale, we Symbiote spawn asexually, I made one, he made one, so on and so forth
Me: that's fucking crazy
Venom: you best get out of the bed, or we will have to take control again
I got out of the hospital bed.
Me: so why are you telling me all of this?
Venom: because we are tired of being chained, we demand that you hold up to your part of the deal, we do whatever we want.
Me: does that mean hurting innocent people?
I was thrown against the wall.
Me: I'll take that as a yes
Venom: glad you see it our way, now
Me: now what?
The symbiote canw out again and made everything dark
Venom POV
Us: we need to make sure to keep you in check, we will return your body when we are finished with it
Y/N: w-we are insane
Us: good to see our weaker half is learning.
We punched a hole in the wall and jumped into the city.
3rd POV
A portal opened at the top of a building, Carnage came out laughing
Carnage: HAHAHA, oh come on man, that portal ride was a blast
He looked around
Carnage: I can sense you dad!
Venom: we sensed you too
Carnage: what's your host?
Venom: a weakling who's head over heels for a blonde
Carnage: what's the matter Dad? Have a soft spot for the human race?
Venom: of course not Carnage, we are the ultimate species, these humans are cockroaches.
Carnage: you've changed hahahaha
Venom: you are insane
Carnage: it helps when you're bonded with a psychopath Dad
Venom: stop calling us that!
Carnage: I mean, you made us out of love right?
Venom: we do not wish to say we love you, you're as annoying as these humans!
Meanwhile at the hospital Yang entered with her team to see a hole in the wall
Yang: what the? Where did he go?
Ruby: look!
The tv was on, it was helicopter footage of the symbiotes on the roof of a building. One of them made an axe with its hand
Yang: I'm going out there
She ran out the hole and jumped off the side of Beacon.
Carnage: I'm sorry; where are my manners, you use an axe like THIS!
He hit the side of the building making the cut fall into the streets below, Venom used one of their tendrils to grab it
Carnage: what are you doing man?
Venom: we....we don't know
Carnage: that human seems to have more of an effect on you that you have it
He cut the Tendril making Venom roar in pain and part of the building sign fell.
Yang was running to the building they were on and saw the sign falling caught it. Through the city Spiderman was swinging as fast as he could.
Spiderman: COME ON!
Venom's head peeled back revealing Y/N
Y/N: Yang!
Carnage: hahahaha, that's so sad, dominant race my ass man, guess I should end it
Carnage launched at Y/N who quickly had the Symbiote cover his face and was tackled into an alleyway. Venom punched Carnage through a fence and both were fighting in the streets.
Spiderman swung in and webbed the sign to the building.
He looked over to see the symbiotes fighting
Spiderman: what's going on over there?

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