Search For Venom

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3rd POV
Black Cat: I don't see him.
Spider-Man: the arguing Symbiote and man that can't be found.
Black Cat: let's try to be a little serious, let's check where the signal cut off.
They swung to the exact spot Y/N disappeared. Black Cat walked over and found the miniature Beacon that gave off the signal snapped in two.
Spider-Man: in two pieces? Looks like it was on purpose.
Black Cat: by what though? Black Widow you copy?
Black Widow: 10/4, do you see him?
Black Cat: we found the little beacon that we put on him, it's broken in two and nothing is around here.
Black Widow: continue your search, it isn't likely for a big black monster to go missing in broad daylight.
One of the symbiotic creatures came out of the sewer and pounced at Cat. Spider-Man jumped up and kicked the thing. The Symbiote crawled over to him and latched on to his body.
Spider-Man: Stay Back!...GRAAAAH!
It completely covered him, giving him the black suit.
Spider-Man: woah....I can see why Y/N keeps the Symbiote around.....this extraordinary.
Black Cat: don't lose yourself in that power, we still need to find Y/N.
I woke up, I felt Venom inside me, but he was weakened.
?????: glad you can join us dad.
Me: I know that voice.
Carnage came out of the shadows and began laughing.
Me: chains against a wall.....really?
Carnage: not just any chains.
Carnage pressed a button and they started to heat up, they were laced with red dust.
Carnage: you don't pose a threat anymore.
Me: you think these will hold me though? You broke my tracker, that's enough to raise a few eye brows.
Carnage: don't worry, they'll be busy.
Me: I suppose this is the part where I'm supposed to ask "busy with what?".
Carnage: don't ruin the moment.
Me: *sigh* continue.
Carnage: the Symbiotes are loyal to me now, and they are on their way to your friends right now.
Me: sewer system?
Carnage: will you shut it!
Me: like seriously dude, I'm not worried.
Carnage pressed the button and walked away, the metal was heating up, making the Symbiote inside me go crazy.
Venom: why do you keep opening your mouth!?
Me: he was boring me!
Venom: I'm the real one suffering here!
Me: we both are!
Venom: my version of the plan was better!
Me: you're an alien! No one trusts you!
Venom: big talk from a man who needed help talking to the boob lady!
Me: this isn't helping at all!
Venom: it's keeping my mind off the burning metal!
Me: LISTEN! We need to find a way out of this.
Venom: we could try and break out, though even with our strength it will have a nasty toll on our bodies.
Me: figures you would say that.
Venom: this wouldn't of happened if we went with my plan.
Me: nuking all of Vale wouldn't be the first thing I would've said.
Venom: but it would've worked.
Me: you would've had a risk of killing us.
Venom: I mean, one human sacrifice for saving all of Vale, not too bad.
Me: don't forget you would've died.
Venom:.......I'm starting to see your point.
Me: yeah, I figured you would.
Venom: so what do we do since you're the smart one?
Me: we wait for PY/N, he's one of the few that could be able to help us.
Venom: and how does that help?
Me: well he is Spider-Man, he can web the chains out of the wall, maybe even breaking them. did I get stuck with you?
Me: I ask that question every damn day.

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