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3rd POV
Ruby: what's the matter Y/N? Can't handle this?
Venom: what happened to you?
Ruby: Carnage showed the way, he brought me and the Symbiote together.
Venom: it's controlling your mind, snap out of it!
Ruby: Y/N, stop hiding behind your body guard, be the man Yang thinks you are.
Venom went back inside Y/N.
Ruby: you're a pathetic fool, to think Carnage had any problems with you, all it takes is a little girl like me to do that.
Y/N: this isn't you Ruby, come with me and we can fix this.
Her eyes went from yellow to silver.
Ruby: Y-Y/N?
Her eyes immediately turned back to yellow.
Ruby: NO!
She punched Y/N into the wall, Venom started to come out.
Y/N: Venom don't....we are one....but I need to do this, I can't leave her like this.
Venom: *sigh* you really are a sap...fine, we'll be on stand by if things go south.
Venom went back down, and Y/N slowly started getting up.
Ruby: you are brave Y/N, after I enjoy myself I will kill you.
Scream covered Ruby's face and roared.
Y/N: fight it Ruby, do it for Weiss, do it for Blake, do it for your own sister Yang.
Scream: I'll kill you!
She scratched Y/N across the chest, making blood fly.
Y/N: come on Ruby! I won't fight back.
Scream scratched him across the face, more blood flew out.
Y/N: I'll die before hurting my friend.
Venom: WHAT!?
Scream: you really are stupid.
She was about to punch him before starting to hold her head. The head peeled off, revealing Ruby who was screaming, trying to rip the Symbiote off. It latched back on to her and muffled her.
Venom: this is pointless!
A tendril shot from Y/N's chest and grabbed Ruby's Symbiote.
Venom: Scream is too powerful for a little girl, she's not powerful for two entities to keep her down!
Venom began pulling the Symbiote off.
Ruby: get it off!
Y/N and Venom both screamed as they tore Scream from Ruby's body. Ruby went to the ground coughing up blood. Venom covered Y/N and they picked up Scream and shoved her against the hole where the chains broke. Venom impaled it and started making the heat go through thanks to the machine on the side, making Scream go through a slow and painful death.
Ruby: *cough cough* Y/N?
Venom's head peeled back and they ran over to Ruby.
Y/N: Ruby are you okay?
Ruby: Y/N....I'm so sorry....
She hugged Y/N and he hugged her back, she began crying on his shoulder.
Y/N: everything is fine Ruby, tell me what happened, what did Carnage do to you?
Ruby: he tortured me....he starved me and beat me to near death countless times, when I was weak and couldn't fight back....he gave me that thing!
Y/N looked over at the dying Scream and sighed. Venom's head peeled back over Y/N.
Venom: we will get you out of here and reunite you with Yang, tell us, are there any more students out there with the Symbiote?
Ruby: a few, three if I'm not mistaken, its-
Meanwhile with Weiss.
Weiss was fighting off Symbiotes from left and right.
Weiss: they aren't ending!
????: we are ashamed, such a strong fighter getting tired off pawns.
Weiss: what are you?! You aren't Y/N or Venom!
????: that poor excuse of a Symbiote? They are nothing more than traitors, Carnage will have his way with this world.
Weiss: what the hell are you!?
????: we are Riot.

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