[ 6 ]

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As the previous night took a small toll on my senses, I flipped my torso to be laid on my left side, another body interlocked with mine.

My eyes widened at the sight of Benny peacefully sleeping with his arm over my waist. I couldn't find a reason to wipe the mesmeric innocence occupying his features.

Just as I slowly moved out of his embrace to make my way to the washroom, he stirred awake slowly, almost fully recovering from his slumber. I tip-toed slowly to the bathroom to allow sleep to consume him for a bit longer, I figured that he'd be in much more pain hungover again.

As I freshened up quickly by taking a short shower, I somehow managed to escape the room into my once bombarded living room. I was surprised to see my mom wasn't home and that my home phone rung with a voicemail. I scanned the atmosphere to see leftover red cups scattered everywhere, an ash tray on my mom's marble coffee table, and spilled alcohol on our hoary coated carpet.

I continued to scout for anybody that managed to be left passed out on my floor, somehow I didn't find anyone which led me to become nervous as to what the outcome of the party was after I left to take care of Benny.

I ran back upstairs to retrieve my phone, unlocking it abruptly. My eyes widened at the missed calls and spans of text messages I received from people. I started off with my mom, which was her simply alerting me that she didn't have enough time to come home and sleep due to her double shift—which in fact was a blessing.

My eyes scanned an unknown number, I opened the message to see who it was.

"Hey Elena, its Kenny. I got your number off Brandon last night. I just wanted to let you know that I didn't let any of those obnoxious drunk girls destroy your house when you took care of Benny and that Brandon and I made sure everyone got home safe. Call me as soon as you see this."

I smiled at the kindness that persevered Kenny DeNuenz, his genuine nature was adorable and admirable. As for Brandon, I had no idea why he had been so kind to Benny and I.

I texted Kenny back explaining that I got the message and that I'd call him a bit later, assuring him of Benny's well being. I was pleased with the fact that he thanked me for the party and said it was a strange yet different experience for him, granted it'd be an event he'd never forget.

I opened another text which was from Brandon.

"Elena, thanks for the small party last night. I made sure all the drunk and drugged up people made it out of your house in one piece, that DeNuenz kid helped me out. I'll be sure to make the next party we have you and your friends come to more than just getting drunk or blazed up lol. Tell Benny I send my condolences to his head after all that alcohol!"

I laughed as I scanned the text, replying to Brandon with a thanks and a laughing emoji. I checked my calls to see another unknown number, three from my mom, and two from Zara. I didn't bother texting Zara, deciding to clean up so I could serve Benny breakfast.

I retrieved a change of clothing, grabbing a black hoodie and a pair of black sweatpants, also tying my curls in a ponytail. I slipped on a pair of fluffy white socks to avoid the cold that kept piercing the depths of my feet.

Scrambling downstairs, I made my way to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for Benny and I, my eyes wandering to the fridge to view my options of meals.

My eyes skimmed the fridge, landing on some eggs and vegetables to prepare an omelette. I wasn't the worlds best chef, but I picked up a few tricks from my mom when I was smaller. I could safely handle cooking on my own without turning the entire kitchen into a disaster.

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