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The wind of dusk pierced my torso and I hadn't even managed to remove an article of clothing yet, concluding that Charli's idea was the most stupid idea ever.

We stood at the ledge of a very tall cliff leading downward to a large river that we were expected to all swim in.

I felt my nerves pinch me in worry as I stood at the edge of the cliff—my fear of heights outweighing my decision of not participating.

"Are you guys gonna in jump or what?" Adrianna piped up laughing as she discarded her red tank top and denim shorts.

I turned to Benny; watching him observe her body with a lust of hunger aching from him causing my blood to fume.

I felt like I was going to punch the smug smirk balanced lopsidedly on Adrianna's lips, my hands automatically balling into fists as he didn't hide the fact that he was staring at her body now covered in only her undergarments.

"Yeah, lets hop in now." Charli also announced, everyone else peeling off their clothes to jump in—apart from me.

Benny threw his raven hoodie over his toned upper body and shrugged off his denim jeans, being left in his black boxer shorts.

I didn't bother allowing my eyes to rake his lusciously built body as I continued to think about the way his orbs dug into Adrianna's exposed torso, my burning fumes of jealous being hard to contain.

He began untying his shoes as he peered over his shoulder to see me seated on a rock, "you're not coming?"

"No," I replied monotonously, keeping my arms crossed over my chest.

He scrunched his eyebrows in confusion as he came closer to me, "why not?"

I knew I was being childish for getting so heated in jealousy, he wasn't even anything close to my boyfriend for god sakes. I just felt the feelings I had managed to swallow everyday begin to spill into my senses, the small yet undeniable attraction I held towards him resurfacing.

I swallowed my feelings as I studied him, not allowing myself to divulge into the childish crush I was forming on him.

I shrugged my shoulders in response to him, "I'm just kind of. . . scared."

"You're afraid of heights?" He asked, seeming baffled at my statement.

"Yeah, since I was little," I admitted weakly.

He snorted at my confession, "I don't need to be close to you to know you've obviously gone through worst than a little heights, Canada."

My eyes bulged from its sockets, surprised at how observant the boy actually was.

He made his way to the ledge of the cliff, turning back to gaze at me. Instead of leaping into the body of water, he strode towards me with a challenging demeanour radiating from him.

"Elena, you're gonna swim with me whether you like it or not," he declared confidently.

"Who made you the boss, Rodriguez?" I smirked at his newfound confidence.

"Because, you showed me how to have fun, I think it's time for me to show you how to have a little fun,"

I glued my eyes to the ground coated in bits of wood chips and patches of dirt as he continued to keep his gaze glued to me. "I can't Benny, I'm a chicken."

"No, you aren't,"

"You don't even know anything to redeem me as strong,"

"Okay," he nodded his head, biting his bottom lip. "I have an idea."

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