[ 13 ]

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We made our way to the quarry where we had went cliff diving a while ago—the midnight sky dancing upon the azure hues of the river.

Benny and I sat next to each other; our shoulders brushing and our legs dangling over the steep cliff we once jumped off of to swim.

A moment of silence poured through the atmosphere, a comfortable state of serenity engulfing us.

"Benny," I piped up, "I'm sorry I—I didn't tell you about my problems, it's not because you wouldn't understand, it's more complicated than that."

"Well, to be fair, I just told you something I never would've admitted to the sandlot gang," he pointed out.

"Okay yeah—but, I don't know, you'll run away," I murmured pathetically.

"Elena, I'm not going anywhere," he stated, "whether it be that you're a Martian, a crackhead, or a fucking guy in disguise."

"Slow down there Rodriguez, I'm not a guy," I snorted.

"But, what I'm trying to say is, I'm not going to leave you for shit you have to deal with, everyone has problems or something bothering them—we need someone sometimes."

"Benny it's really fucked up," I sighed, "I don't know how I could explain it without sounding like a psycho lunatic."

"Please just let me in," he pleaded, "please just let me be there for you."

Silence replaced the words I was attempting to croak, my thoughts scrambling at the pleading words that spewed from Benny.

I couldn't find the words to speak as I hesitated for too long, the long pause becoming an overbearing weight of bricks upon me.

"Benny, I—" I attempted to speak, his face hovering dangerously close to mine before I could muster a word.

The mixture of his breath between mine caused a thrill of shivers to penetrate my nerves, my thoughts replaced with the embers flaming in me from the proximity of our faces.

Just as Benny was about to make any sudden movements, we were interrupted by the crack of a twig from behind us, causing us to tear our gaze from each other abruptly.

"Did you hear that?" I whispered loud enough for him to hear.

"What the hell was that?"

"I don't know."

The faint sounds of exchanged whispers vibrated from behind a large bush, the sounds growing louder each passing second.

Suddenly, Ham emerged from the bush with the rest of the sandlot gang behind him—their faces each displaying a form of anger and disappointment.

"Well, look what we have here," Ham announced mockingly.

Behind Ham stood Kenny, Yeah-Yeah, and Bertram—all with saddened expressions penetrating their features. I felt my heart clench at the sight.

The entire group of sandlot boys emerged behind them, each of them gazing at Benny and I as though we were a sickening disease.

Benny stood up with newfound anger radiating from his demeanour, clenching his fists as I stayed seated on the edge of the quarry.

"What do you want, Ham," Benny growled.

"You've become a real bitch, Rodriguez," the freckle coated boy chuckled darkly. "Forgetting your own friends for a whore."

If Benny was an animation at this moment, you would've been able to see the fogs of steam pool from his ears as he shoved Ham with all the strength he could muster. Ham stumbled into the arms of Bertram and Kenny, shrugging off Benny's touch.

"You're a fucking prick Benny, a prick!" Ham screamed.

He stood back up on his feet and punched Benny in the face, causing Benny to tumble to the ground.

Ham looked over him with disgust, then turned his infuriated irises towards me.

"You did this, and you'll continue to fuck him up," he growled, "I hope you're satisfied with yourself."

I felt my heart clench at the sight of Ham's features fuming in rage; an expression that was new to me.

I rushed over to Benny's torso flustered on the ground, scanning his trembling lips painted in ounces of his own ruby blood.

"Benny, are you okay?" I asked, my guilt internally screaming at me.

"Yeah." He coughed, sitting up. "I'm sorry about them."

I shook my head as he leaned his forehead to press against mine delicately. "Don't."

"Seriously Elena," he croaked, "they were being assholes to you when everything is my fault."

"That's not true, I'm the reason bad as been plaguing you."

"You can be so stupid," he chuckled lightly, "you make it good again, you make me
happy—free almost."

I pressed my forehead to his shoulder as I sighed in agony. His fingers created delicate patterns on my back as we sat in silence.

I continued to tell myself this was wrong from the start—him and I—we weren't meant to correspond, especially due to how much I selfishly corrupted him.

I didn't deserve him, he was pure at heart and still had so much more potential than going down the dark paths that once engulfed my every sense or decision.

I felt tears prick my eyes as I dug my face deeper into the croak of his hollow neck, my body shivering as I slowly broke down in his addicting embrace.

"Elena, are you crying?" His concerned voice echoed through my thoughts as everything began to dim into pitch black.

He grabbed my hunched torso and placed me to be seated in his lap with my head placed on his chest. The scent of him was addicting; an aroma that resembled the aftermath of rain.

I couldn't help but allow the sobbing to consume me as my world came crashing down, my emotions engulfing me without an ease of control.

I looked up to Benny's face contorted in agonizing pain as though someone shot a dagger to his heart.

"Elena," he slowly whispered through my cries.


"I—I," he stumbled with his words.


"I'm gonna make you better, Elena," he vowed, "one day, you're not gonna be a sad girl."

"That'll be the day pigs fly," I joked.

"Seriously," he urged, "it's my job now."

I shook my head as I coughed through my tears, his arms clenching harder around my frail figure.

I leaned my head back on to his chest and allowed the night sky to engulf us in the undeniable and unbearable pain that cursed my heart because I was in his arms—protected by his angelic words and my undeniable devotion.

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