Chapter 1~

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"Now shut up and go home!"

All the nations cheered and stood, making their way to their hotels where there was not any yelling Germanys telling them to shut up or any other nation at that. America stood with a grin and nearly made it to freedom when a hand gripped his shoulder.

"Hey, Iggy dude!" He exclaimed loudly, turning to greet England and his scowling face.

"Don't call me that..." He muttered as he sighed. "Anyways can you take me home? France sort of took mine for his own use"

Alfred blinked at the Brit in surprise, but nodded happily as he steered Arthur to his vehicle.

"Don't touch me!" Arthur growled, slapping Alfred's hands away from his shoulders as he sat down on the passenger seat with a huff.

"Sorry.. Anyways my car's almost out of gas so I might have to leave it at your place and walk home myself" Alfred informed with a grin and stepped into the driver's seat.

America sped off onto the road on full speed, laughing like a maniac as England screeched his lungs out.

"AMERICA YOU BLOODY GIT, YOU'LL MURDER SOMEONE!" He shouted at the top of his lungs and clutched on the car's seat for dear life.

"Oh, come on Iggz! This is fun and faster!" Alfred laughed and swerved right into the estates driveway. The world meeting was in England this time, so lucky for Arthur, he can stay in his own house.

"Thank you Alfred" Arthur muttered with a small smile, then taking a shaky step out.

"No problem, as long as you let me leave my car here 'till tomorrow!" Alfred replied and grinned happily.

"Damn git..."



"Take care of my baby~" He cooed as he pet the trunk lovingly.

"Shut up and go home, Alfred!" The Brit ordered and rolled his eyes at him as he headed towards the manor.

"Thanks Arthur, night!" Alfred called back with a wave of his hand before heading off to the nearest hotel.

The skies got darker as America clutched his bomber jacket tighter. He huffed and stuffed his hand into his pockets, glancing around for any hotel. A rustle near by caught his attention, turning to see who or what it was.

"Hello?" Alfred called out, edging slowly towards the bush cautiously.

Only getting another rustle for an answer, he stepped closer as he squinted through the darkness. A pair of glowing red eyes gazed right back at the blonde, causing him to stumble back and trip.

"What the fuc-" That's when everything went dark.

~•~•~•~•~Small Time Skip~•~•~•~•~

A faint knock echoed quietly throughout the hallways, making the young Brit stir in bed. Arthur yawned and stretched out lazily as he swung his legs over the bed side. He rubbed his eyes tiredly and stumbled to the door. It was about three in the morning, who would knock on his door now?! Arthur cracked the door open slightly, but saw no one standing near it. With his brows furrowed, England peeked his head out to see no one standing before him. His eyes drifted down to his porch with a gasp. There laid America, his right side of his face and neck covered in blood.

"A-Alfred?!" Arthur yelped and dropped on his knees next to the American.

He immediately pulled Alfred into his house and onto the nearest couch. Arthur placed two fingers on the left side of his neck, begging quietly for a pulse. Luckily, there was one. Although not as strong as before, it was there. America would have probably been dead by now if he wasn't a country. Arthur sighed in relief and scampered up to the bathroom for bandages, towels, and disinfectant. He scrambled back down and dabbed disinfectant with a towel, easily making it's old crisp white color into a dark crimson. When all the blood was out, there was only two small marks on Alfred's neck. Those two small circular marks were closely together, and were vaguely visible at this point. Arthur's brows furrowed as his fingers brushed against them in confusion.

How did these marks cause enough blood to pour out to make America pass out?!

Arthur sighed and stood up, placing his hand on his hips in thought. He soon shrugged it off and bent down. He quickly removed Alfred's blood stained jacket and shirt, causing the American's eyes to flutter open.

"W-what happened? Where am I.....? Wha-"

"What the fuck happened you bloody git?! You knocked on my door and then passed out! You we're literally bloody you damn idiot!" Arthur yelled back and shoved his now crimson shirt in his face.

Alfred blinked tiredly and rubbed his eyes before taking the shirt in hand. He squinted and examined it for a while, then shrugged and dropped it next to him on the couch.

"I-I don't know.... All I remember is walking down the road for a hotel and someone was stalking me... It was real weird though, their eyes glowed red..." Alfred explained and rubbed the nape of his neck.

Arthur let out a frustrated sigh and say down next to him. He pulled out the bandages and began to wrap them around Alfred's neck.

"Alright, I think you're imagining things.." The Brit muttered under his breath.

"Hey! I know what I saw Arthur!" He insisted and crossed his arms over his chest stubbornly.

"Okay, okay, I'll look into it.." Arthur sighed once he finished.

"Thanks.." Alfred said sleepily and rubbed his eyes. "Hey, what time is it anyways?" he asked tiredly looking around.

"Three in the morning last time I checked" Arthur replied as he stood up, brushing off his grey sweat pants. "Come on" He ordered and held out his hand for Alfred to take.

Arthur dragged him into his own room, throwing a t-shirt and a pair of sweat pants for pjs. Alfred mumbled his thanks and stumbled to the bathroom to change. He did so quickly and stepped out, stumbling and tripping right into Arthur's room.

"What the hell Alfred...?" England groaned and helped him up with a sigh.

"I'm sorta blind right now Artie, I don't know where my glasses went.." America explained, looking down at his feet, clearly embarrassed that he can see next to nothing at the moment.

"Oh, well don't worry, I'll find you some tomorrow or so. Come on, go to bed." Arthur ordered and guided him to the bed. He then walked over to the other side of the bed and collapsed into it.

"A-Artie...? Why are you going to s-sleep with me?" Alfred asked with red tinted cheeks, squinting up at him.

"I can't risk whoever hurt you last time to hurt you again now can I? Now sleep you dumb git..." He replied with a slight smile and kissed the American lightly on his forehead, earning a darker blush in response.

"Night...." He mumbled and slipped under the covers.

Arthur did so as well and slung an arm over Alfred's waist. Alfred silently snuggled into the Brit's chest with a content sigh before drifting off to sleep. His mouth was open slightly as he snored softly with his hair splayed around his face. Arthur blushed a bit as he too fell into a deep sleep.

A/N: Hurrahh! First chappy~! Please comment below for any spelling mistakes or anything else you'd like! Now I will go stuff my face with ramen \(*^*)> //whispers I'm so sorry it's kinda short >.<

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