Chapter 2~

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A pair of blue orbs opened slightly at the funny smell. It smelled liked..something..burnt? A sharp pain began to tingle on the American's cheek, growing sharper by the second. Alfred shot up and tumbled out of bed.

"Owwwww!" He yelped and rubbed his cheek in pain. His brows furrowed in confusion as he peered at the bed. From only his blurred vision, there was only clean sheets and a sleeping Brit bundled inside of them.

"Arthur!" Alfred demanded loudly and jammed his finger into the other's ribs. Arthur immediately flinched and fell out of the opposite side of the bed with a yelp.

"What the hell Alfred?!" He shouted at America and rubbed his rib cage as Alfred did with his cheek.

"Whaddaya mean 'What the hell'?! You're the one who burned my cheek!" He shot back angrily with a growl.

Arthur's brows furrowed with confusion as he removed Alfred's hand away from his cheek. It had a small burnt on it, which was now healing slowly.

He shook his head and held his hands up in his defense, "I didn't do it, I was sleeping. Either way, how and with what could I have burnt you with?"

"I don't know..but what else could I have been burnt with..?" Alfred asked with a sigh and pointed towards what he hoped was the bed to show nothing.

Arthur stood and pulled the sheets out of the bed for anything that could have burnt him, but found nothing. He turned back to Alfred and asked, "Where were you laying?"

"On the opposite side of your's obviously" Alfred responded and rolled his eyes. Turning back to the bed, Arthur rubbed his chin in thought. He removed his gaze from the bed and held out his hand.

"Give me your hand" He ordered, pulling Alfred's hand into the ray of sunlight that was reflecting off the mirror. In a few seconds for result, America was jerking his hand away with a yelp. He rubbed his hand in pain as a small red mark formed on his hand similar to the on across his cheek, which had healed by now.

"What the..?" England thought aloud as he placed his hand on the same place the American's was in a few minutes ago. He squeezed his eyes shut and awaited for the pain to set in, but nothing ever came, only the tingle from the warmness.

"That's so weird dude!" Alfred exclaimed and scratched the back of his head. "How come it only burned me?" He asked thoughtfully, knowing full well that this was a first.

"I'm not sure but I'll find out this afternoon" Arthur shrugged and held out his hand for the other to take.

Alfred took it gladly and stood, brushing his pants off with a small smile. His gaze rose to the Brit's green emeralds. "What?" He asked and titled his head at Arthur, who was staring right at him.

Arthur reached out and tilted the other's head up as he bit his lip softly. "You look sort of...pale.." He said with a concerned tone. He then placed the back of his hand onto Alfred's forehead, feeling only his normal temperature.

"You're freaking me out Iggz.." Alfred blushed a bit and moved his head away from his reach.

The two sighed and stumbled to the kitchen in silence. Alfred plopped right down into the nearest chair and propped his elbows onto the table. He placed his throbbing head in his hands and closed his eyes, shutting out all the blurriness. For the first time in literally five years, he decided to skip breakfast on purpose. He just wasn't hungry.. well not for food. Alfred was craving something else, he just didn't know what.

With another frustrated sigh he informed Arthur, "Hey Arthur, I'm not really hungry. I'm gonna skip breakfast okay?" But before there was any protest, Alfred was already stumbling out of the kitchen and heading to the bathroom.

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