Chapter 9~

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"Alfred, Arthur~!" A voice rang out behind both Arthur and Alfred, Arthur still carrying him around after school had ended. Arthur turned around to meet two sweet grins from Peyton and Kayla. "Ready for our photo shooting?" Kayla asked, holding up a camera that hung around her neck.

Alfred blinked at the two, finally remembering their agreement to do a photo shoot after school. He blushed softly, scratching his cheek as he shrugged. "I-I dunno if I can today..."

~•~•~•~•~Flask Back~•~•~•~

"Hurry up! You're burning me!" Alfred shouted at him, whacking him on the head as he tugged at the collar of his bomber jacket once more. More burn marks continued to form on his face and hands as Arthur picked up his speed.

"Shut up, we're almost there!" Arthur yelled, nearly tumbling through the front doors. Both nations were greeted with Matthew, Gilbert, Kiku, and surprisingly Francis. Francis and Kiku quickly stopped whispering to each other at their sudden entrance. Meanwhile Matthew and Gilbert suspiciously gazed right through the Brit the second they saw him.

Arthur panted, using one hand rub at his head. "Sorry for barging in...." He muttered as his hands trailed down to rub his eye. "What?" He snapped at the couple gazing at him, raising both bushy brows.

Matthew raised his own eyebrows and stepped up to him. "Why did you carry Al here?" He questioned him, although not with curiosity but a knowing tone in his voice.

"It's called being a lazy American" Arthur replied simply and shrugged his shoulders, only shaken slightly at the stares he got.

"Alright, then put him down. It makes the awesome me feel less awesome" Gilbert spoke up as he crossed his arms over his chest. Arthur hesitantly put Alfred down, who was jabbing him on the back for him to say no. Alfred yelped quietly as he stood, feeling pain shoot up his back. He latched onto Arthur's arm for support, taking in a deep breath.

"Honhonhon~!" Francis's voice rang out as Matthew stepped up to his younger sibling. He reached out and tilted his head upwards to the left, revealing his love mark left by none other then Arthur. "You had sex eh?" He murmured simply as the rest of the nations looked over his shoulder.

Alfred turned scarlet red at his bluntness and moved his head away, pulling up his jacket's collar once more. "I-I..uh.." He stammered, not finding the right answer.

Matthew rolled his eyes and patted his head as he sighed out, "Its nothing bad Al.." Both Gilbert and himself glanced at Arthur, continuing, "Unless he did it too roughly..."

Arthur put his hands up to defended himself, shaking his head quickly. "Don't kill me! I'm the git's legs for the day!" He also said for his defense, picking him up once again.

The two only laughed and waved as they turned away, heading off to their class together with Francis. "Hey Kiku, you never gave me the blood juice!" Alfred piped up, pushing his lip out at him as he rested his chin at the top of Arthur's head.

Kiku blushed softly, swiftly taking a picture of the two before responding. "Ah, I apologize America-san. I came by at the afternoon, but you two seemed..uhm busy. But I have the stash in my car" He replied, rubbing the nape of his neck before heading off.

Alfred groaned and stuffed his face into Arthur's shoulder, sighing heavily. "Let's go then, we have our first two periods together" He mumbled, stretching out to yawn.

~•~•~•~End of Flash Back~•~•~•~

"Why not?" Peyton asked and cocked her head towards the right with curiosity. Kayla stepped up to them, squinting at Alfred's neck. A smile spread across her face as she turned to her friend, whispering something into her ear. Peyton's eyes widened slightly as blood was beginning to trail down her nose, matching Kayla's own. "Okay, see you whenever!" She quickly said, grinning widely as the two took off with new ideas for their own little club.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2014 ⏰

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