Time's ticking

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Jimin's POV

"Just say it already. I know what you're thinking! I'm not stupid! I'm not some stupid blonde-"

"Jimin, stop. You don't understand. It's not-"

"You, it's me? Is that what you're going to say? I'm not interested. Just leave. I don't want to know."

"You don't understand! It was a one time-"

"I bet it would have been the first of many. Shut the door on your way out. I don't want any more cold getting in after you leave- speaking of keeping the cold out, leave the key on the side. You won't need it anymore."

My glare probably could have melted the boy on the spot. Not that I'd care if it did. He's nothing to me now.

"When I'm gone I'm gone. Don't come crawling back to me when you realise you're the one in the wrong here!"

He threw his keys onto the slippery floor and they skidded under the sofa. As he slammed the door shut I sank down onto the floor, wishing I could lose myself under the sofa as well.

He's nothing. He's nothing. He's nothing.

I repeated the mantra and grabbed the keys.

He's nothing. He's nothing. He's nothing.

I threw them onto the side by the trembling door.

He's nothing. He's nothing. He's nothing.

I dragged myself up onto my feet and walked to my bedroom, fingers clutching dubiously at the walls for comfort.

He was everything.

I stared at the framed photos scattered along the wall. We were so good together.

He was everything.

I collapsed onto the bed. Overwhelmed by its size, the huge blanket suffocated me.

I'm nothing without him.

His scent clung to the blanket like a spiders web. My arms frantically pushed at it and eventually it retreated to the wooden floor.

I'm nothing without him.

Why do they never stay? Why does everyone who enters my heart leave in less than a year? I can't take this. I can't do this anymore. I can't keep building my hopes up on things that just don't last.

I'm nothing. I'm nothing. I'm nothing.

The blanket became a bucket for my tumbling tears. I brought myself down. Down where I should be. Onto the floor I cowered and pushed my face deep into the blanket.

Do I mean nothing to anyone?

I howled with pain. I couldn't even hear myself as my heart beat so furiously inside my chest.

Have I ever meant anything?

I needed something. Anything. I needed someone.

I remembered Hoseok's stupid grin and him raving about some dumb website, what was it called? It was something that was effortlessly eye-roll inducing. Some dumb kid party game.

Across the floor to my dresser I clawed my way. Opening the top draw I saw a scrap of ripped paper with a messy scrawl stretched across it.

Sevenminutesinheaven.com I reckon you could use a little more heaven in your life :)

I didn't believe it was possible to get more heavenly than Hoseok but he was so earnest when he told me it was hard to argue back. If Hoseok 'The Hope' couldn't help me, could some slightly creepy website really make a difference?

Fuck it. What's the harm? On the back of the paper a number had been copied out and I repeated it carefully into my phone. My screen began to blur with teardrops. Damn eyes won't stop crying.

"Welcome to Seven Minutes In Heaven, where we give you your own little piece of heaven to enjoy. How can we help you today?"

"I just want be loved."

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