Time's up

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I fell asleep with my head resting on Jungkook's chest. I didn't notice the change from his warmth to the comfort of the sofa cushions but when I woke up he was gone.

He had left a note on the side with a little heart-shaped cookie resting on the corner of the paper.

'Jimin. You might not believe what you're about to read but I promise you I mean every word.
These seven days have been the best I've had in my whole life. Perhaps the first day did suck a little, seeing as you hated me, but I loved you instantly. I know you don't think a seven day relationship can ever work and honestly neither do I, I just wanted to bring a little love into your life. I hope I did that. I really do. You brought it into my life, Jiminie.
Maybe you're the angel this time.
Kookie x'


One month later

I saw him from time to time, we passed each other on the street. He was often with other guys but often so was I.

He'd flash his bunny-grin at me whenever our eyes met and I'd often giggle in reply, his cute smile never failing to warm my heart.

It wasn't love though. I had love for someone else now and my brain couldn't do anything to stop it. Maybe seven days wasn't enough for me to love somebody new but it helped me to start loving somebody old. Somebody who's been there all along. Finally my heart beat happily looking at my own reflection. My mind's angry mutterings had been shushed and ordered to a corner. They escaped sometimes, sneaking back at night to remind me of their presence. It wasn't enough to stop the new feeling though. The new love for myself.

Still, it was nice to see Jungkook passing by. I hoped he'd find someone special enough to settle down one day. I hoped he'd never forget me. I knew I'd never forget when he was mine. Even for just those seven days. I was his love and he was mine.

My little piece of the clouds.

My little slice of heaven.

My little angel.

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