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"You do realise you'll be sleeping on the sofa, right?"

A few hours later I had found the guy sat cross legged on my bedroom floor attempting to juggle the pillows from the other side of the bed.

Icouldn't let him take up that spot, not just yet. I refused to even allow myself a foot into his space. It would only make me feel more alone.

"Sure but do you mind me asking you a couple of questions before I go?"

I sighed heavily and shrugged. What's the worst that could happen? And then he said it. Then he said the worst thing that could be said. My supposed 'angel' said the devil's name.

He held one of my favourite photos of us. We were holding hands in a park last summer and some random photographer ran up to catch the moment. It was a strange, rushed meeting but I was so happy to frame the moment. We had only just begun dating. I was too young to know the flash of the camera would stop dazzling me soon. I was so blinded by its gleam I couldn't see the bigger picture.

Our names were written in swirly letters at the bottom of the frame. I had to resist every barbaric urge in me to carve out what the rest of the world knew that liar as. If I could I'd inscribe a new name- something a little more fitting. He looked rather like a Richard; known to his friends as Dick.

"He's no-one. Leave that alone."

The Guy, as I am now naming him, placed the photo onto my bedside table carefully. He bowed his head and fiddled with the edge of the cushion.

"Sorry... I didn't mean to touch on a sore spot. I can be a bit oblivious sometimes, it's one of my biggest flaws I guess. We all have them, I bet that guy had loads..."

Again he read me like a book. The tears stinging my glaring eyes must have given away the kind of relationship we had had.

"It's fine. You should go."

I'm too tired for this shit right now.

"Of course, yeah, I'm absolutely shattered myself."

He stood up hurriedly and rushed to the door before turning to look at me again.

"The name's Jungkook by the way. Sleep well, Jimin!"

He flashed me a grin resembling that of a bunny's and dashed away down the hall. He had too much excitement about sleeping on the sofa, what was wrong with this guy?

I switched off the light and climbed into bed, swiping the photo frame from my table and onto the bed with me. After staring at it for a little while, I sighed again and opened up the draw beside my bed.

Tonight will not be another night of nightmares. Goodnight you bastard.

I shoved the photo inside and turned over to face the wall, closing my eyes tightly. Thoughts of Jungkook began to float into my mind.

A full on relationship in seven days? I bet I won't even be able to befriend that guy in seven days. His employers must be delusional- he must be delusional if he really has hope for us. Us. Can I even call us that? We're far from together; I'll stick to it being me, myself and I.

For the first night that week I managed to sleep well. When I woke up no tears had fallen asleep on my pillow alongside me. My sheets hadn't been twisted, turned or thrown off the bed in a midnight tantrum. The sun shone into my bedroom for what felt like the first time in years. Maybe I really am in heaven.

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