1. Arrival

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Control is essential for the young General Armitage Hux of the Finalizer:  to have control over his circumstances and control over people. The fact the he has no control over Supreme Leader Snoke or Kylo Ren, Master of the Knights of Ren, puts him under a lot of pressure. He likes disciple and despises individuality.

So, to say that General Hux was irritated when he was told a new member of the Knights of Ren were to aboard the Finalizer would be an understatement. He had no control over their behaviours and often times they were violent tantrums. Namely from their master, Kylo Ren.

Already these Knights have costed him more credits and sanity than he could afford. Helpless control panels, elevators and droids would all fall under victims of Ren's rage.

But when he was personally told by Snoke that the new knight will aboard the Finalizer he simply could not refuse. When inquiring about the new crew member Snoke promised a strong warrior who he had great hopes for will be on their way. 

He prepared himself for the future damages to his Star Destroyer. He worked tirelessly to ensure finances required to support the new Knight of Ren's behaviours were in placed. That at the very least he still had control over.

When informed the new knight had arrived he reluctantly marched to the hanger along with a handful of his officers and stromtroopers to greet the new Commander. If it weren't for Snoke's personal recommendation to bring the knight aboard to train with Ren, he would had refused to formally meet the knight.

When the ramp of  the new Commander's transport opened there was an immediate heavy feeling. His body was locked in place. By the looks of his officers and stromtroopers they were experiencing the same thing. Even Ren a dark-side Force user himself was subjected to the same feeling.

In those few seconds he braced himself for the newly added pressure. Another dark-side Force user aboard the Finalizer. Another Kylo Ren. And possibly another Snoke.

Once the steam from the hatch had lifted, a figure appeared. "This is it", Hux imagined. "A new person has come to torment the whole crew of the ship." The figure became clearer into view and closer too.

"Ren." It spoke.

Hux's eyes adjusted once he was released from the pressure. He couldn't believe it. A girl. A beautiful girl. He expected an older, cold and rough man, an equal to Ren. Not you, the image of a flower, soft, pure and undamaged by the effects of war.

You walked with the grace and confidence of a superior. One would might even mistaken you for royalty, if it weren't for your choice of clothes. Average height, dark, cloaked, with personal touches in your outfit, and a red cape-like shirt in between the dark layers. She ignored the lingering eyes and marched directly to Ren.

Ren stepped forward. "Y/N", he simply said and whispered something intimate, only audible to a single listener. You nodded and understood. Ren turned to gesture an introduction to Hux. 

"General Hux", Ren simply said.

"General Hux of the Finalizer, at your service."

The simple introduction followed with an offer of a gloved handshake from Hux. A moment of hesitation was sensed in Y/N's eyes. But eventually took the gesture and returned it.

"Y/N L/N. Thank-you for your kind thoughts about me. I look forward to proving to you I'm the warrior that Supreme Leader Snoke has told you about", you looked knowingly into Hux's eyes.

Hux should had been more prepared for this. Force users were mind users. He was in complete disarray when he saw you. The image of beauty and with the voice of silk. But somehow you were able to pry into Hux's mind so quickly and without feeling invasive or much effort, unlike Ren or Snoke. 

"I didn't", you interrupted Hux's thoughts. "Well now I did."

Ren interrupted the brief pause. "Shall we begin your training? Before you expose the General's most embarrassing secrets."

You smiled and laughed briefly at Ren's remark. And if Hux didn't blinked he would had missed it. The smile of a princess he had only read about from books. "Of course Ren. Now General, if I can take my leave. I will see your shortly", you said and politely bowed to the General.

Hux watched you leave the hanger with Ren. He couldn't help but to feel frustrated at himself. What kind of first impression was that? The fearsome General Armitage Hux of the First Order was startled by a beautiful girl? There were beautiful women everywhere in the First Order and some were aboard on the Finalizer mixed in as officers, stormtroopers and crew members. How did this girl make him feel uneasy?

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