Chapter 7

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The past 3 of weeks have been quiet to say the least. Winter break was coming up tomorrow and to be able to have 2 weeks off from school. Happy wasn't even the word I could use right now.

I doodled a little bit on the paper I had in front of me trying to do anything but listen to the teacher talking. I glanced over at Blaze every now and then since this was the only class we shared without his brother. I honestly liked this class and plus watching him was more entertaining sometimes.

He was sneaking and scrolling on his phone while the teacher lectured us. It looked like he was on Instagram or something but I couldn't really see from here. But it did make me wonder if he had an Instagram and what types of pics he posted. So I pulled my own phone and unlocked it using my thumb print and went to the Instagram app.

The app opened up to the home screen, but I went to the search bar and clicked on it preparing to type in something but I didn't really know what to type in to be honest. My thumb hovered over the keyboard as I contemplated on what I should put in the search box.

Do I type in Blaze? Well that could bring up several options and since his name isn't really a real name a bunch of nonsense pages could come up. So I decided to go with lurking instead. I mean that's like second nature to a girl right?

Hmm...who might be following Blaze though? I thought about a few options but I just wasn't sure what to do. But I decided to give it a shot anyway. So without second guessing I looked up a popular girl almost every one in school follows and see who she was following on Instagram.

As her page loaded I rolled my eyes. I can't stand this girl, her life seems too perfect and it irritated my soul honestly. But moving past that, I clicked on the following button and began typing..


Ah ha! BlazeADoffical. Well I definitely wouldn't have found shit with that name so thank god for lurking skills.

I clicked on his profile and instantly started fan girling. He was just sexy all the way around. He looked sexy in any picture but most of it was random shit about meditating and stuff, but he had a few pics on there. I scrolled a little bit down and saw a cute picture before he grew his hair out

 I scrolled a little bit down and saw a cute picture before he grew his hair out

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Damn. He looks good with or without the hair. It looks like he models or something too, he had a few professional pictures on here. He was cute either way and I liked it.

I stalked his Instagram some more and bookmarked a few pics.

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