Chapter 26

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(Hiiii Guys! I'm back! And sorry for the delay. Hopefully this chapter is good. Let me know what you think and pls comment. I love reading your reactions! I had to make it good to make up for the long absence 🥰 and sorry if there's any errors. I literally typed from midnight til 6 am)


Taking a few deep breaths and trying to recollect myself, I couldn't help but think about what I had just witness. No way! This had to be some type of nightmare or dream or..or was it real? I carefully stood up off the ground and dusted myself off. My heart was beating uncontrollably out of my chest and it just would not stop. The amount of anxiety and emotions I was feelings was going through the roof at this point. It was almost as if everything was a playback on repeat and I was frozen in one spot, not able to move, not able to think. The amount of questions swirling around in my head were infinite, what is he? Why did he turn into that...that monster? Where is he from?

Leaning up against a nearby car and running my fingers through my hair I just tried to relax as much as I could and calm down. It wasn't working though and I just couldn't get that image out of my head.


Finally after what felt like hours of trying to recollect myself, I made it back to where everyone was and tried to act as normal as possible. But right as I got back I was greeted by Blaze.

"Oh there you are!" He came up towards me. "We thought you got lost or something." The scene replayed in my head again back at what happened in the parking lot. I looked up at him and could see his face was back to normal. Same beautiful smooth skin, freckles just sitting upon his face. Not a burn mark or scratch or demonic skull in sight.

I just nodded slightly and stepped back a bit.

"I'm ready to go home now" I managed to get out without stuttering. I was still shaken up about the whole thing and didn't know what to do.

As we all began walking back out into the parking lot to get to the car an idea popped in my mind. Cole!

I'm sure his brother would be able to help him out and figure out what to do. I definitely wouldn't know what to do in a situation like this but that's his brother, he might be able to help him.

As Cole and Hayden walked to Cole's car, Blaze and I made it to his car. Before we got in, he came around my side and opened the door for me but not before leaning against the door as it stayed opened.

"I had a really good time tonight...a few interruptions but I had fun." He smirked a bit showing off that dimple that just makes me melt every time.

Playing with the bottom part of my shirt nervously and chewing on my lip nervously I just nodded not trying to make eye contact with him.

"Me too but I'm just a little tired.." Trying to hint that I just wanted to get home and get this night over with.

Noticing he had gotten closer to me, I took this as an opportunity and just ducked underneath his arm where he was leaning against it and quickly sat into the passenger seat and buckling myself into the seat.

Seeing as he just closed the door behind me, he started making his way to the driver seat and opened his door.

My nervousness began to come back as I thought about the fact that at any minute he could turn into a blazing skull and light this whole car on fire.

He didn't say a word for a quite a bit which made me weary as to why because he's usually sort of talkative and before the little incident he had so much to say.

Turning the car by pressing the start up button, he buckled himself in and proceeded to put the car in reverse and made his way out of the parking lot and onto the main road.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2019 ⏰

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