Chapter 16

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(Back again with another long chapter. Please vote and comment what you think about the book! It would help me a lot. Also comment what you think might happen or what hints have you gotten so far 👀. Anyways Vote and Comment please and thank you! 💕)

(New Years Eve)


By the grace of God, I managed to come home early to be with my dad for New Year's Eve, and I was beyond thrilled to say the least. And plus later tonight me and Blaze are gonna stay up all night to watch the countdown. I was looking for to this because we didn't get a chance to hang out on Christmas.

He's busy right now but he's gonna come over and stay up, watch movies, eat snacks. It's gonna be a blast. And after our previous nights of staying up late on FaceTime, I think I can actually do it in person. Eventually when school starts back we won't be able to hang out as much so I'm going to enjoy these next few days of break.

I walked into the Walmart to gather up any items I might need for tonight.

I grabbed a cart and proceeded my way around the store to complete my mission. Fortunately for me, it wasn't much I had to get, at least not for me. Blaze mentioned he wanted some more hot chocolate and some chips. I'm not much of a fan when it comes to chips and stuff but if he wants them then I'll buy them. He also requested a bunch of different types of candy he wanted, but honestly he would just be too hyped up on sugar and have a sugar rush and crash before midnight. So the idea of candy, I'm gonna have to bail on.

But I went to go get the chips anyway. I just can't remember what chips he wanted, whenever we hang out he always snacks on Doritos, but he mentioned some other type of chips he liked but now I can't even think of the name of it anymore.

Reaching into my purse I got out my phone and checked my notes to see what the name could be.

•King Sized Hershey Bar
•Sour patch Kids
•Double Bubble
•Capri Sun

Nope nope nope. Nun of those are chips. Dammit. I must've forgot to make a note for it. So he's just gonna have to deal with Doritos for now.

I grabbed the nacho cheese flavor and tossed it into my cart. I continued to push the cart while looking down on my phone when I felt my cart bump into something.

It took my attention away from my phone and I quickly looked up.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention and I didn't mean to." I apologized to the stranger. He just smiled a little nodding his head.

"It's fine, it happens. Besides it's not like you hit me with a car so I'm good." He joked. We both shared a little laugh before it grew awkward.

"You're doing New Years shopping?" He asked breaking the ice.

"Uh yeah. Not like a lot of shopping. Me and my friend are staying up til midnight and we need energy for it that's all." I didn't know what else to say. But not gonna lie, this dude looked extremely cute. He was kinda tall, taller than me, light skinned dude with a few tattoos peeking out, and some dreads.

"I was just gonna do the same thing with my friend." He said excitingly. He had a really nice smile, not as good looking as Blaze but he was definitely cute.

"That sounds pretty cool, and hopefully that goes well for you." I smiled. I didn't know what else to say since I'm not good with talking to guys to begin with.

"Well how about better yet, I tell you how it goes. What's your number baby?" He said it so smoothly. I was intrigued and it caught me off guard.

I blushed and gave him my number.

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