Restaurant Time

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*Author's PoV*

Karma had just arrived at the staff entrance of the restaurant. Still intrigued by what the Principal said a few days ago, still blaming himself because if he had forced the door open and asked more about the incident, he might of known more of it.

"Ah Karma, you're here." It was the chef who greeted Karma first, he had always liked the boy and his dishes. It was a pity that he wasn't old enough to become a chef.

"Oh hey there Tadaka san, is it a busy night tonight?"

"Nah, it's just a normal day today. Can you cook me a appetiser? I'm kinda craving for your dishes."

"Sure, why not." Karma quickly put on an apron and started making the appetiser. The swift movements looked like as if he was dancing, the other chefs had come to watch too, as they always liked Karma's dishes.

"Bon appetite." After Karma handed the dish to Tadaka and the others, he took the apron off and changed to his own uniform. It was a uniform for waiters, it had a normal long sleeved white button up, a pair of black trousers and a brown striped vest.

"Wow Karma, it tastes even better today, you really should consider being a professional chef one day." One of the cooks had commented as most of them nodded at the statement.

"But with Karma's intelligence he should be something more of a chef. He should be someone at a higher class than being a chef." The chefs chatted away as Karma walked into the actual restaurant and out of the kitchen. He walked around to see if there are any customers that would like to take orders. To his surprise, he found the devil.

'Argh...that bastard's really the annoying type, now isn't he? Why school assemblies? They're so boring and meaningless, besides, what's the point of it? I don't want to see that bastard for the next few days, no, months!'

As he walked around, he saw a familiar splosh of strawberry blond hair wondering around the restaurant. 'Oh no, it's him.'  The younger one seemed to search for something, or rather, someone.

"Found you." The younger one said as he spotted Karma, he slowly walked towards him as Karma was thinking in his own world. He walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulders, "Akabane Karma."

"W-What?! Oh, it's you."

"It is me, the school council president Asano Gakushuu, as you may know, Akabane. It is against the school rules for any of the students to have a part time job."

"Oh it's fine, your father knows what I'm doing, I've already spoken to him, he doesn't really mind it as long as I don't cause any trouble. What are you going to do about this? School President-Sama~?"

"First of all, don't ever call me that again, Akabane. Second of all, the school president knows about this but don't even bother to suspend you again or at least do SOMETHING?!"

"Woah easy tiger, breathe." Karma watched in amusement as the younger one looked more than confused. "Besides, it's not like he would care....especially me in that case." The last few words were mumbled as Asano looked at him in confusion.

"..." Asano was confused, what on earth is his father hiding? First the whole personal chauffeur yesterday, then him ditching assembly today, and now this?

"Alright Mr Confusion, what would you like to eat for dinner tonight?" Karma suddenly changed the topic as he handed Asano the menu.

"...pasta...yeah, just give me some pasta."

"Okay then, any drinks?" Karma asked with the sweetest he could muster.

"L-lemon lime bitters." The younger one said as he felt his face getting slightly warm

'Shit, why am I stuttering and blushing?'

"Alright, is that all for today sir?"


"Well then Shuu, you should be expecting your meal in 15 minutes, but I'll bring you the drink first." But of course, Asano ignored him as he stared out the window.

Karma walked back to the kitchen and surprisingly, gave the chefs the order that Asano had asked for without changing or adding any other ingredients.

'Hang on, this is my perfect opportunity for a revenge. Fufu, I know just the prank.'

He changed the lemon lime bitters, from non-alcoholic to alcoholic. He added an extra two shots of lemon drops infused rum to add in some kick. Of course, Karma, being the bartender he is, carefully mixed the drink so that Asano won't be able to taste it. But will be able to feel it.

He served the drink to the younger one as he was waiting for the rest of his meal. By the time the his meal was ready, Asano had already finished half of his drink.

"You know, there's a special tonight and you can refill your drinks for free~"

"Okay," Asano then drank the rest of the drink in one big gulp and handed the glass to Karma, "give me another one then." Karma let out a smirk as he saw the slight reddish tint on the younger one's face.


Need less to say, the principal had a rather interesting night that day, as the younger one had about five serves of 'lemon lime bitters' with Karma changing the proportion of the drink every time, adding more alcohol every time. In the last cup of 'lemon lime bitters' it was basically half lemonade half rum.

 In the last cup of 'lemon lime bitters' it was basically half lemonade half rum

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Oh my god... this story has reached 1.23k?! Dam i never thought this would reach 1k but hey, I'm not complaining. I'm kinda struggling with school work right now so... sorry for not posting anything. I'll try to have an update every 6 weeks though. *sighs* by this rate, it'll take me at least 4 year's to try both writing and publishing the upcoming 60 chapters worth of plot.

Thank you for reading.

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