Assembly Time

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It felt like forever climbing up the stairs, should of went through the trees instead of walking. I check my phone to see my schedule, ugh, science first thing in the morning.

Okuda-san had a few potions for Sensei, it was... an interesting transformation, erm, nice head Sensei. The second one was lovely too, ahh, wings, nice. Great, now we have a plank faced teacher for the rest of the lesson. The rest of the day passed by without me even realising it. I headed straight to the bars after Nagisa stopped following me. Work was normal, nothing really happened. The principal didn't show up today so that's good.

*Time skip, the next day*

It was science again, but in period two. Okuda had walked up in front of the class holding something, oh great, another poison? Right~ I was sure that I saw Koro Sensei helping Okuda with something yesterday, so it was this. Oh great, he just turned himself into liquid form, great job Okuda.

P.E was pretty boring today, argh!!! Should of skipped it.

"Karma-kun, do you want to head down to the main campus with us?" Nagisa had just asked me a random question, why are we heading down to the main campus?

"Main campus? Why? I thought we weren't allowed?"

"Karma-kun, you forgot that we have assembly today now didn't you? What can I do with you?" Right, we had assembly today, nope, I'm not going to see that old man's face again. I need to recover from the last time that I saw him.

"Sorry, Nagisa. I'm telling Sensei that I'm not going. Sorry." And with that, I ran.


'Sorry Nagisa, I don't want to see him.'

Everyone then headed down to the main campus, Okajima's screams can be heard from a hour away, honestly, how loud can he scream?

"Ah~ Karma-kun, seems like that it's only me and you today." Koro Sensei had sat down next to me, but I had other plans.

"Sorry, Sensei. I'm leaving early."

"Hmm yes, Karma you're leaving ear- WAIT! You're leaving early?!" Koro Sensei seemed surprised, well I guess anyone would be surprised if their student suddenly asked to leave early.

"Yeah, I've got other plans, it's not like this place need me. See ya later, Sensei." I jumped into the trees right after I said good bye, I don't think Sensei bothered to chase after me.

'Hmm, nice agility there Karma-kun.'

*Place skip*

'Hmm, which flower shop should I go to? Hmm, that one seems nice, I'll go there to get some.'

*Ding dong*

"Welcome, may I help you?" A woman in her 20's had said to me while trimming the throne of a bouquet of roses.

"Hi there, I was wondering if you can find me some white chrysanthemums."

"Oh I'm so sorry, may I ask who it's for? Oh dear, pardon me, how rude of me."

"No no no, it's fine, it's...for my aunt."

"Oh, I'm so sorry dear, I'll definitely find you some, is it just you picking them up?"


"Right. And once again, I'm so sorry." The woman left after saying sorry for the hundredth time. She soon came back with a bouquet of pearly white chrysanthemums, it looked even bigger than her.

"Woah, that's quite a big bouquet."

"Would you like me to trim it down a little?"

"Yes please." The woman named...Emi, that's what it said on her name tag, had started trimming down the bouquet, only picking the largest and the purest.

"Nee, Emi-san, do you mind getting me a small strand of lilies too? A small one would be nice."

"Sure, I'll get it for you once I get the chrysanthemums ready. Do feel free to see the other flowers." I nodded and started wondering around the shop, all sorts of flowers entered my sight. Roses,              forget-me-nots, tulips, hydrangeas, it was sorted into different colour schemes.

After walking for just 2 minutes, Emi came to me with a bouquet of white chrysanthemums and a small strand of lilies.

"There you go, I hope they'll like them."

"I'm sure they will." After thanking her, I walked out the shop and decided to head home.

'I'll visit them another day, that way they'll have someone to be with on that day.'

*Meanwhile at the assembly*

"Koro Sensei, what ask you doing here?" Karasuma whisper shouted at the poor octopus.

"Karma-kun left so I'm coming to the assembly, I do t want to be left alone." Koro Sensei half cried, half joked as he looked at the furious Karasuma.

'Hmm, Karma's not here today. Did I say too much? Should I wait more?' A curious School President wondered.

And with all the chaos happening at the main campus, Karma, not knowing a thing, walked home while paying a visit to Tanaka-san. After a hour or two, he began heading to his other part time job. To a restaurant named 'La Porchetta'.

 To a restaurant named 'La Porchetta'

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YESSS! We hit 666. I might have a Halloween special next week but, who knows?
Thank you for reading~

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