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Danny's POV
Vlad was acting weirder than normally. He has been eyeing me like a pervert. Really uncomfortable. I was fighting him the whole day now and Sam and Tucker was extremely worried. I just want this day to get over with like any other day I had and will have in the future. I gotten a chill up my spine thinking of the future.

Vlad kept hiding when I shoot him down and then he would come out and try to shoot me with his Plasmious Maximus but I ain't dumb."Just drop Daniel." He said as I dodged another shoot from his Plasmious Maximus which from this point on I'll say PM."Please Daniel. I have a pretty surprise for you at my mansion." He said as a small girl was walking by eating her ice cream. Vlad got a smirk on his face and aimed for the girl. I pusehed her out of the way and the shot hit me as the girl ran home.

All I saw was darkness.

Sam's POV
Danny hasn't returned the past day. I already got his homework for him and I was waiting on my terrace for him where he usually meets me for a good night kiss and to get his homework. I looked across the street where a building was with a clock and saw it was already midnight so I decided that I'll give it to him tomorrow and go to bed.

I had a bad feeling for some reason.

Danny's POV
I woke feeling weird. My whole body felt like when I came stumbling out of the Fenton Portal but less painful. I groaned as I sat up straight while rubbing my eyes out. I looked around with my blurry eyes and saw something with white hair at my side wearing black and white. I thought it was Dani until my eyes came into focus and saw it was,"PHANTOM?!!" I shouted and he jolted up."Wait," he looks closer at me and then we shouted."WHY ARE WE NOT TOGETHER IN ONE PERSON?!!" We shouted."I DO NOT KNOW!! YOU TELL ME!!" We shouted again until I heard a cackle from behind me.

There I saw Vlad in a throne like chair sitting there with a evil grin on his face."WHAT THE GELL PLASMIOUS?!! WHY DID YOU SPLIT PHANTOM AND I UP?!!" I shouted."This feels weird." Phantom said."All in good time, Little Badgers." He said."Stop calling me that, YOU FRUITLOOP!!" Phantom and I shouted together."I'm not a FRUITLOOP!!" He shouted and we both roled our eyes.

Maddie's POV
Danny hasn't come home yet and I'm furious and worried, more worried."Jack he's not answering his phone." I said."He's not answering me either." Jack said as he puts down the house phone."What if a ghost have him?! Or worse, WHAT IF PHANTOM HAS HIM?!!" I shouted."Maddie calm down. We will find him if he is missing." He said as he hugged me.

"Mom, dad, where's Danny?" Jazz asked."We don't know, we think a ghost might have kidnapped him!!" I shouted and Jazz just got blank expression and then she started to worry."I hope not." Jack said and Jazz ran upstairs and into her room.

Phantom's POV
Why am I split from my human half?!!"Plasmious start explaining!!" Fenton shouted."Oh, if you ask so nicely." Vlad said."We're not playing your games!! Start explaining!!" I shouted."Your my entertainment until further notice." Vlad said as he sat down in his throne."Excuse me!!" We both shouted. This is weird."What do you mean by that?!!" I shouted. Vlad smirked and both our eyes widen as we look at each other."Oh No. Your not making us do that!!" Fenton shouted as I sat there in shock. Fenton stood up and tried to find a way out of this glass box."Fenton." I said."Fenton!" I said a little louder.

"FENTON!!" I shouted louder and he fell to his knees."Why us?" He asked."I don't know, but we will escape and find a way to become one person again." I said as I sat down next to him. I heard Vlad stood up and opened a drawer. I heard the stuff put away in it move around as he scratched out what he was looking for."Still, I didn't ask to get ghost powers." He said."Yeah, but who would've stopped Pariah Dark if you didn't have me in you. You can do amazing things with these powers Fenton unlike Vlad." I said as just turned around to glare at him he put some wacky collor on my neck that is connected to Fenton's collor.

We both looked at each other and then screamed."HELP!!!!!" We shouted."Wait can't you just phase through the box?" Fenton asked."This thing is ghost prove, it's a miracle nothing happened yet to me." I said."No, Phantom your collor is ghost prove, the glass is just unbreakable, bulletproof." Vlad said and I growled at him."Since when did we growl?" Fenton asked."Ever since we get angry, extremely angry." I answered."We'll kick your butt, Vlad!!" Fenton shouted and I nodded.

"Empty promises , by two broken boys, one a ghost one a human." Vlad said as he relaxes in his throne."You know studies shows that psychos won't ever admit that they are crazy." Fenton said."Yeah, it was proven right in front of us." I said and Vlad rolled his eyes. Atleast I think he did. It's hard to see if he rolls his eyes when the entire eye is red."He kinda reminds me of Dan, with those eyes." I said."I, that's probably why his eyes went red and why he gotten thangs....wait, you aren't evil aren't you?" Fenton asked a little fearful."I AM NOT EVIL, I CROSS MY CORE!!" I shouted and Fenton calmed down.

Vlad stood up and walked around the glass box for awhile then he stopped as he changed back into his human form."What?" Fenton growled."Can't wait for tomorrow." He said as he left.

"What about tomorrow?!"

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