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Fenton's POV
It was hard sleeping with these stupid doggie collors around our necks. We decided that we sleep on her backs not moving. Really uncomfortable since I like to sleep on my side!!"Today ain't going to be good." Phantom said as he sits up straight forgetting about our connection. Hint the sarcasm."Sorry, on three. One...two...three." I counted and we sat straight at the same time. I tried to get the collor lose but it zapped me."Ow!!" I shouted as I put my finger in mouth to stop the burning."Oh, man, never in my life have I been this hungry." I said clenching my stomach forgetting anout my finger."It's because of me that you almost never eat." Phantom said."Yeah, because ghost don't have to eat." I said and he nodded."I think Vlad will bring food." Phantom said unsure.

"Finally your awake."

Phantom's eyes glowed green from anger."Give him some food!!!" He shouted as he pointed at me."I'm not a monster." Vlad said as he dropped a sandwich into the box from the top. I was hesitant."Is it poisoned?!" I asked."Now, why would I want to poison you?" Vlad asked."Because your a Fruitloop." Both of us said."Hmmm, and you are my entertainment. Eat up and get ready before I get back." Vlad said as he left."What does he mean, by get ready?" I asked as I munched on the piece of sandwich."I might have a few, ugly thoughts." Phantom said in disgust."Oh, no. We can not let this happen!!" I said."Why is he doing this?" Phantom asked."He's crazy overall our mother and now he wants us to kiss and stuff?" I asked."Maybe he he had a change of mind?" Phantom said."Why not change of heart?" I asked."Because he has no heart. I'll be surprised to find one if the GIW dissects him." Phantom said."That makes sense." I said as I burped."Pig." Phantom said."Ghost." Fenton said and I chuckled at his comment.

"You can be glad we are the same person."

"Yeah. Your the dead version of me and I'm the alive version of you." He said and we laughed."We are one and the same." Phantom said."Exactly." I added and Vlad entered in his ghost form."You know what to do." He said sitting in his throne."What?" We both said."Don't play dumb." Vlad said and Phantom and I looked at each other. We slowly came close to each other and just when our lips were about to touch, we pulled back gagging."NO WAY, I AM NOT DOING THAT!!" We both shouted."Oh don't be a baby, or I'll put a clone inside and force you two's lips on each other." Vlad threatened."Well his way worse." Phantom said and we tried again.

Our lips touched and we kissed. I HATE THIS!!! I WANT SAM!!! I shouted in my thoughts.

Phantom's POV
I HATE THIS!!! I WANT SAM!!! I shouted in my head, Fenton probably thinking about the same. I heard Vlad moan and I felt Danny mouth curling up in disgust like mine. I accidentally moaned and Fenton pulled back as I my hands went to my mouth."I didn't mean to." I said."It's okay." Fenton said as we looked at Vlad and saw him pumping his cock."GAHHH!!" We both shouted trying to get the thought out of her heads."GET SOME PANTS YOUR NOT TUFF PUPPY!!" Fenton shouted."Did I say you can stop?!" Vlad hissed dangerously at us and Fenton looked at me fearfully his face screaming to do something. I sighed and Fenton got the message and we kissed again and this time I was forced him down to the floor and kissed him there. He moaned this time but I ignored it."Good boys." Vlad said as he left zipping up his pants. We pulled back fast and tried to get the taste of each other's tongues out of her mouths.

"Don't worry, to make is going to be a little bit more worse." Vlad said as he chuckled and changed back into his human form. He fixed his tie and left.p and grabbed a suitcase."Gah, we really need a way out of here." Fenton said."and fuse back into one person because kissing myself isn't pleasant." I said."You think!" He shouted back."Okay lets see. He said the glass is bulletproof and only the top can open, which we can't reach because of these stupid collors!!" Fenton added."I don't suppose a plate is going to help us break this chain." I said sarcastically."Well of course it will." Fenton replied as he layed down in his arms."Look, we will get out of here. I promise." I said.

"But what happens if we fall in love with each other?" Fenton asked."That won't happen, because we only love Sam in this sort of romantic way." I said and he got a face of determination."Yeah, we love Sam and everyone else but Sam more than friends!!" Fenton shouted.

Sam's POV
DANNY STILL HASNT RETURNED!! WHERE IS HE?!!"Mrs Manson is Mr Fenton late...again?" Mr Lancer asked."Uh, we don't know Mr Lancer." Tucker answered for me."What do you mean, you don't know where Fenturd is?" Dash asked."We mean we don't know where he is!!" I snapped."Okay geez." Dash said as he turned back into his chair."Well as soon as he returns tell that he has three weeks detention." Mr Lancer said as he continued to mark the tests."Will do." I simply said with no emotion.

Jazz said that she will try to use the Boo-marang to find Danny. STUPID NAME!!! Speaking of the devil, I thought as I got a text from Jazz."Bad news I can't find his ecto signature!!" Her text read."Now what?!" I typ d back as I looked worriedly at Tucker who had the same face then he turned serious."We'll find him." He mouted and we continued to work.

Fenton's POV
Phantom offered me to sleep on his chest so that I won't damage my neck from the floor sleeping."Are you sure about this?" I asked."Yes, don't worry. I'll sleep with you since I kinda still meed it." He said."What do you mean?" I asked."Fenton, we are still half human half ghost and well what happens when you get used to sleeping and eating and you with flying and blasting Vlad/Box Ghost/Skulker/Walker." He said."Okay I get it." I said as we both fell asleep.

We barely slept before Vlad returned again with a smug on his face."You won't get away with this!" I shouted."I already have Daniel." He said."Uh, which one?" Phantom said."AND IT IS DANNY!!" I shouted and he rolled his eyes."Seriously what is wrong with you?!!" Phantom shouted."Nothing now do what you did this morning." He said the last part in a threatening tome."NOW!!" He shouted. I sighed as Phantom and I closed our eyes tight not wanting to see this and kissed again."Tongues!" Vlad shouted and Phantom and I opened our mouths hesitantly and showed Danny how our tongues touched. When we pulled back I saw Vlad had both our shirts.

I covered my chest with my hands."You can have your shirt back when you actually enjoy this." He said and I groaned with Phantom. He pulled me in for a kiss and I got his plan, sort of."Moan." Phantom whisperd and I nodded my head yes."Ahhh." I said and my cheeks flushed red."More!!" Vlad shouted and Phantom moaned this time and the room was fulled with our moans."Congratulations, you get your shirts back." Vlad said as he phased our shirts through the wall of the box."Here take my shirt, your going to need it for the cold, since I aphave that with me." Phantom said."Thanks but what about you?" I asked."I can't feel cold remember, ice core." He said and I nodded. I pulled his shirt over my head and he pulled mine over his."Thanks Phantom." I said."Your welcome, now come on we should get to sleep."

"Good night."

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