The Freshman loves the Sophomore (6)

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I woke up the next morning to the sound of banging on my door.
I sat up, yawned, and got up. I walked over to the door and opened it slowly.
"Sophie, Laura's at the door for you." Bryson said.
"Ok. Let her in." I replied.
Bryson turned around and got Laura.
A few moments later, Laura appeared in my door way.
"We need to talk." She said in a really serious tone.
I laughed. "I feel like you’re breaking up with me."
Laura giggled. "Well I'm not. We need to talk though... about a certain someone."
"What certain someone?" I asked, confused.
Laura raised her eyebrows. "His name starts with a 'C'."
Oh crap! I though. Does she mean Cal? She probably does. But nothing happened between us. Yeah, were good friends but no, I don't like him. That's a big fat lie. Dang it, I'm a horrible liar. How would she know about that though? Laura was probably spying on us. Wait, what? I'm screwed.
"Ok, talk." I said trying to act calm.
Laura sighed and sat on my bed.
I sat next to her.
"Carson told me something." She said.
Whoa... Carson? I was not expecting that!
Laura spoke again. "And I think you should know what he told me."
"Well, is it good or bad?" I asked nervously.
Laura looked down. "It depends."
I stared at her. "Depends on what, exactly?"
"If you like him or not." Laura blurted.
My jaw dropped. "Uh... What?"
Laura nodded. "Carson likes you. He told me this morning. He told me about yesterday and everything. He said that he's liked you for a while. I promised him that I wouldn't tell you but I couldn't resist, Sophie! You’re my best friend. I had to tell you. I just can't believe that my older brother likes you, my best friend! I mean you’re pretty and nice and stuff but it's kind of weird. We all grew up together." She paused. "Sophie? You ok?"
My mouth hung open. I was finally brought back to reality when Laura started shaking me.
"Um... uh... wow..." I mumbled. I was still in shock that Carson told someone. I honestly thought my dream of us being together would never come true.
"That's it?" Laura asked. "Do you like him?"
I shrugged. "I don't know, Laura."
"So... Is that a no?" She was confused.
"I don't know!" I said again a little louder this time.
Laura cocked her head to one side. "I'm going to give you time to think about it. In the mean time, I'm also going to tell Carson I told you." She paused and stood up. "See you later then."
I waved a little. "Bye."
When Laura was out of sight, I flopped down on my bed and sighed.
Carson liked me. That's actually kind of good. Cal likes me too. That's nice. But he's not Carson. Carson was so cute. I couldn't help but be attracted to him. He was athletic, funny, nice, and smart. Cal was great too though, don't get me wrong. He just wasn't the guy for me I guess.
Later that day after I showered and got dressed, I walked next door to Laura and Carson's house. I took a deep breath right before I knocked on the door. Then I slowly raised my hand up and went to knock.
But before my knuckles hit the door, someone opened it.
"Sophie?" Carson said.
I smiled and nodded. "Hi."
He smiled back. "Laura told you, huh?"
"Yeah." I sighed as I replied.
"And...?" Carson asked.
My eyes started roaming around. I saw Laura who peeked her head out from behind the couch.
Carson turned around. "Laura!"
I laughed.
"Let's sit outside." Carson said as he stepped outside, shut the door, and made his way to the porch swing.
I followed him and sat down.
"So...?" He said breaking the silence.
I bit my lip. "Carson, do you really like me?"
He nodded. "Why would I say that if I didn't? Yes, I like you."
"Well, I like you too." I said smiling. "But we can't be together."
He looked at me funny. "Why not?"
I swallowed. "You’re a sophomore, I'm a freshman. It's not going to work. You even said it yourself; people from different grades don't hang out." I paused. "It's just not going to work. People at school will-"
"Sophie!" Carson interrupted. "Who cares what they say?"
I was really confused. "But... You... Wait, what?"
Carson looked at me. "We'll find a way to make it work."
I looked down. "We have one small problem though."
"Which is what?" He asked suspiciously. "You’re not pregnant with some other dude's baby, are you?"
"Oh, god, no!" I exclaimed. "There's just someone in my class that also likes me."
Carson looked angry. "Who?"
I bit my lip again. "Cal, that guy I'm always with. We're best friends. He likes me and I don't know."
"Do you like him?" Carson asked a little worried.
I took a minute to reply. "I... I don't know, Carson. He's sweet and, like I said, we're best friends." I paused. "But then there’s you." I looked up at him. "We grew up together. We're neighbors. You’re just so... cute!"
Carson blushed and then looked away from my eyes. "Thanks, right back at you."
Laura came running out of the house. "Kiss her, Carson!" She yelled quickly. "Do it!"
I burst out laughing.
"Sorry, that's not going to happen, sis." Carson said.
Laura crossed her arms and scrunched her nose. "You’re no fun."
I laughed again. "Laura, not everything is about romance."
"In my world it is!" Laura giggled.
"Sophie?" I heard my dad call. "Sophie, I need you at the house. There's an emergency at my office. You need to babysit."
I stood up.
"Bye, Sophie." Laura said hugging me.
I smiled. "Bye, Laura. Bye, Carson."
"Later." Carson said.
Then I started walking home with dad.
"Why do you need me home?" I asked once we got inside.
Dad grabbed his brief case, some papers, and his coffee. "There's an emergency at the office and my boss is out of town. I'm the next one in charge. I have to go."
"When will you be home?" I questioned.
Dad shrugged and ran for the door. "I'm not sure. But I need to leave now." Dad got his keys off the table. "Bye kids!" He yelled. "Sophie's in charge. Love you guys!"
"Bye dad!" Bryson yelled.
Samantha came running down the stairs. "Bye daddy!"
Then dad left.
Bryson came into the kitchen with me. "So... What'd Carson say?"
I looked at him confused. "What are you talking about?" I asked. "How do you know?"
"Laura told me." Bryson smiled deviously. "She so likes me."
I laughed. "Well, Carson and I just talked about us liking each other."
"And...?" He nudged me.
I giggled. "Nothing, I'm not talking about it."
Bryson didn't reply. Instead, he got some Cheese-It’s from the pantry and then went into the living room to play video games again.
"Sophie! Sophie! Sophie!" Samantha chanted as she ran up to me.
"Whoa, someone's hyper!" I said with a smile.
Samantha started jumping up and down. "Can we go to the park?" She looked at me with her big brown eyes. "Please? Please? Please?"
I nodded. "Get your shoes on and I'll get my phone."
Samantha put her shoes on and I got my phone.
I had three texts from Cal. They all said HEY. I shrugged and didn't text back. I didn't really feel like talking to him. Carson and I just had a great moment. Cal would probably ruin it and make me like him instead of Carson.
"Bryson, we're going to the park. Do you want to come?" I asked right before Samantha and I left.
Bryson didn't answer so we left without him.
Samantha skipped down the street and I followed her. I had to jog to keep up. She was so hyper. Gosh, what did dad feed her?
When we got to the park, there were only three other people there- an old lady that was picking up garbage and two teenage girls, I didn't know them though. They looked a little bit older than me.
I watched Samantha run around and play on the playground.
Cal texted me again. I ignored it again.
The two teenage girls started walking towards me.
"You’re Sophie, right?" One girl asked me. She was a red head. Her hair was long and paper-straight. She wore short-shorts and her boobs were hanging out of her too-tight t-shirt.
I nodded. "Yeah, why?"
They looked at each other for a moment.
"Are you a freshman?" The other girl asked. This girl was pretty. She had medium length hair. She was blonde and her hair was wavy. He was also wearing short-shorts and a shirt that her boobs were too big for.
I nodded again. "Yes."
They walked closer to me.
"You know Carson, right?" The blonde one asked.
"Yeah. He's my neighbor." I replied.
They looked at each other again and giggled.
The blonde one blushed. "Can you tell him that Tiffany said hello?"
I swallowed, unsure of why she wanted me to tell Carson she says hello. "Sure."
Then they walked away.
Who is this Tiffany chick? Why does she want me to tell Carson hi for her? Have I seen her before at school? Does Carson know her? Does she like him?
This can't be good.
When Samantha and I got home from the park, I put a movie on for her then went upstairs to my room to call Carson.
The phone rang for a few seconds then he finally answered. "Hey, So-"
"Who's Tiffany?" I interrupted.
Carson was quiet. "Uh... a friend."
"She told me to tell you hi for her." I said. "She was all flirty too."
"Ok, do you want the truth?" He asked.
"Yes, of course!" I replied anxiously.
I heard Carson take a breath. "We used to like each other. For a while we were on and off." He paused. "I guess she wants me again."
I sighed. "When were you last 'on'?"
Carson thought. "Two weeks before summer ended."
"So she's your other girl?" I asked.
He sighed. "Sure, if you want to put it that way."
"Carson!" I snapped. "Why?"
"What do you mean?" Carson said. "You flirt too. You have that Cal guy, Sophie!"
I said nothing.
"You even said he was sweet and you guys are best friends." Carson added. "I've seen you guys flirt anyway."
"Carson..." I said slowly. "This is so not going to work out. It's been half a day and things are already getting fuzzy."
Carson was quiet again. There was awkward silence between us. I didn't want to say anything. It would be too weird.
"Sophie." Carson said after about three minutes of silence. "I'll talk to you later. Bye."
"Bye." I said quickly.
Then we hung up.
Bryson walked into my room. "Cal's here for you."
I tried to brighten up. "Ok. I'm coming."
I walked downstairs and met Cal at the door.
"Hey." He said with a wave.
I smiled. "Hey." I hugged him quickly. "What's up?"
Cal shrugged. "Nothing, I just wanted to see you."
I stepped outside with Cal and we started walking down the street.
It was quiet- but a comfortable quiet. Not awkward. Not weird- but cute.
I started thinking.
Cal looked really cute today.
No, Sophie, you like Carson!
But Cal likes me and there are no other girls.
No, Sophie. Carson's better.
Shut up, conscience! I'm just going to go for it!
"I have something to tell you." I said breaking the silence.
Cal looked at me. "Yes?"
I swallowed. "I've been thinking and... Cal, I like you."
Cal stopped walking. "Oh, really?"
I nodded and smiled. "Yes."
Cal grabbed my hand and we started walking again.
"Sophie, are you sure you’re not just saying that?" He asked.
I gave Cal's hand a squeeze. "No, I mean it."
Cal and I walked around for about an hour but then had to go home.
I hugged Cal and looked into his eyes. "That was sweet." I said referring to him holding my hand. "I'll see you tomorrow." I turned to go inside. "Bye."
Cal stopped me. "Wait."
"What?" I replied.
"Um..." He stuttered. "This is kind of awkward but..." Cal looked at me with his gorgeous eyes. "Do you want to be my girlfriend?"
A huge smile came onto my face. "Yes! I'd love to!"
Cal and I hugged and I went inside.
I shut the door slowly and leaned my back against it.
Then I realized that I had butterflies in my stomach.
Maybe giving Cal a chance was a good thing. Maybe I'd get over Carson. Maybe this would be better for me.
“Sophie?” Bryson asked. He was staring at me. “You Ok?”
“Yeah, totally.” I stood up straight and headed for me room.
That was a close one!

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