The Freshman loves the Sophomore (8)

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"Girl's got a love like whoa! Whoa oh oh!"
My phone was ringing. Laura was calling. It was early in the morning. This better be important.
I rolled over and grabbed my phone off my dresser.
"Hello?" My voice was sleepy.
"Guess what?!" Laura squeaked.
I was quiet. How can she be this peppy at this hour of the day?
"Ok, I'll just tell you!" She exclaimed happily. "I'm having a party!"
I laughed. "A party? For what?"
Laura gasped. "Are you insane?!"
"What?" I asked, totally clueless.
"Halloween, stupid!" She exclaimed.
I sighed but didn’t say anything. How could it already be Halloween? Cal and I were together that long? Carson had just made his big seen last week so I guess it has been that long.
"When?" I finally asked.
"You’re an idiot, Sophie!" Laura yelled into the phone.
I laughed. "Sorry. It's too early for me."
Laura giggled. "It’s on Halloween- this Friday!"
"Cool." I mumbled.
Laura waited then broke the silence. "Don’t worry, you’re invited."
"Ok. I'll be there." I said. "I have to go back to bed."
"You’re a lazy butt!" Laura joked. "Bye."
Then I hung up and when back to sleep.
It's Friday- Halloween.
I put my costume on after school and went to Laura's house to help her set up.
I was a pirate and Laura was a fairy.
I knocked on the door and waited.
"Sophie?" Carson said as he opened the door.
I smiled uncomfortably. "Hi."
This is awkward...
Carson and I hadn't talked sine his big seen. It definitely felt weird.
I made my way past Carson and Laura ran up to me.
"This is going to be fantastic!" She yelled. "You look great!"
"Thanks." I said. "You look good too."
Laura and I got food and drinks out, set up games, and decorated for the party. Guests started arriving at about 7.
Carson hung out with his friends and paid no attention to me. It was starting to bother me. I wanted him so bad. I just need to talk to him. But I can't. I’m too scared.
Everyone left by midnight. The party was really fun.
I was sleeping over so I took off my costume and put my pajamas on- a tank top and short shorts.
I met Laura, who was also in her pajamas and was sitting in the living room.
She yawned. "Are you ready for bed?"
I sighed, not wanting to go to bed. "Fine, let’s go, party pooper."
Laura and I went into her room and laid out our sleeping bags. She fell asleep right away. I, on the other hand, tossed and turned. I kept on thinking about Carson, who was just down the hall. I was so tempted to go into his room and talk to him.
I lay awake for over an hour and then finally did it.
I got out of my sleeping bad and walked quietly into Carson's room. I shut the door behind me and poked Carson's back.
Lucky for me he was a light sleeper.
Carson turned and looked up at me. He looked a little freaked out.
I looked at him kindly. My eyes were wet and filling up with tears again.
Once he realized it was only me, he smiled and I smiled right back at him.
I jumped into Carson's bed and covered myself with his sheets.
Carson wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. He kissed my forehead and stroked my hair.
I rested my head on Carson’s bare chest and let the tears pour out."Carson?" I finally whispered. “Carson?”
"Yes?" He replied quietly.
I took a breath. "I think I love you too." I paused and tried holding back my sobs. "I hope it's not too late for me to tell you that."
He said nothing.
"I should have realized it sooner." I continued. "I need you, Carson."
Carson turned me over in his arms so I faced him.
"Sophie, it's better late than never." He said and gave me a peck on the cheek.
I smiled a little bit but kept crying.
Carson pressed his lips to mine. We held the kiss for a few seconds.
I looked at him again and smiled.
"I'm sorry for everything." I said sweetly and then sniffled.
"It's ok, I'm just happy you finally realized we're meant for each other." He said in return.
I kissed Carson again. It was more passionate and happy this time. I could tell that he enjoyed it.
I finally fell asleep in his arms about an hour later. It was almost 4 a.m. but we didn't care. We were finally together and happy.
At school on Monday I had to deal with Cal. I gave him all last week to cool down after Carson's seen. I figured today was the perfect time to face him.
Cal walked to his locker and I made my way towards him.
"Hey, Cal, can we talk?" I called.
He looked at me and shrugged. "What's there to say?"
I swallowed. "I screwed up... big time." I paused. "I regret everything- lying to you, leading you on, using you."
"I get it, Sophie." Cal mumbled. "You just want me to forgive you and act like that never happened, right?"
I shook my head. "No. I don't."
Cal looked confused. "Then what do you want?"
"I want to be friends again." I answered. "I know I'm asking for a lot but I miss you so much. I just want to talk to you and be able to joke around again." I paused. "You’re my best friend, Cal. I know what I did was wrong but I just want our friendship back."
Cal tried to hide his smile. "I miss you too but... You hurt me. Carson hurt me. I don't know what to think."
I sighed. "I'm sorry." I said. "I really am. I had no clue Carson was going to do that." I looked down. "I didn't think things would turn out this messed up."
Cal nodded. "It’s ok. I guess we can be friends again. Our relationship will just need some time to heal again."
I laughed. “You sound so professional.”
“Thanks.” Cal smiled.
I smiled back and hugged him.
This is how things should be- Cal and I on the road to being best friends again and Carson and I are in love.

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