The Freshman loves the Sophomore (11)

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On Thursday night I paced around my room wondering what I should wear for mine and Carson's date tomorrow. I wanted everything to be perfect but I kept on getting interrupted by Samantha, Jackson, and Bryson.
I was babysitting after school every day now because Dad and Marina worked longer since we had a bigger family. We really needed the money I guess.
I held Jackson in my arms and bounced him up and down as I walked into Bryson's room.
"Hey, Sophie, can I go to Ian's house tonight?" He asked. "We have a big test tomorrow."
I shrugged. "It's fine with me. Just make sure you text dad, ok?"
Bryson nodded and grabbed his backpack. He pulled out his phone and told dad.
"He said it's alright." Bryson finally said. "I'm going to ride my bike. It's not that far."
"Wear your helmet." I called as Bryson walked downstairs.
He ignored me and walked outside.
I chased him with Jackson in my arms. "I'm serious, Bryson! Put your helmet on!"
"I know. I will." He snapped.
Then he rode away on his bike.
I went back inside and started making dinner for Samantha and me. She was sitting under the dining room table playing with Barbie Dolls.
"What do you want for dinner?" I asked.
She smiled at me. "Pizza!"
I said OK and put Jackson on a blanket. Then I opened the freezer and started preparing the frozen pizza.
Dinner was ready within a half an hour and Samantha and I couldn’t wait to dig in. We sat alone at the big table. Jackson was in his bassinet in the living room.
It was almost six thirty and Dad and Marina should be home anytime now. And so should Bryson. He had left over two hours ago.
Dad and Marina got home at a quarter to seven. I told them where Bryson was and they weren't worried. I continued watching Jackson for a few more hours while Marina and Dad ate dinner and cleaned up.
I was lying on the couch fast asleep with Jackson on my chest when I heard Dad yelling and shaking me.
"Sophie! Sophie, get up!" He demanded. "We're going to the hospital!"
I jumped up and stared at him. "What? Why? Is somebody hurt? Who died?"
Marina rushed over and took Jackson out of my arms.
"That’s not funny, Sophie. Bryson got in an accident." Dad said helping me up.
I ran to my room, slid on some shoes, threw on a jacket, and went to the car with Dad.
Dad drove quickly to Northwest Hospital but said nothing. I knew by his facial expression that he was scared to death but didn’t want to show any fear. His hands were clenched on the steering wheel so tight that his knuckled were white. His face was serious and stern with his eyebrows furrowed together and his mouth a straight line.
I followed Dad inside to Bryson's room. Things didn't look too good. Bryson had a bunch of tubes and wires attached to him. There were about four different monitors that monitored who-knows-what! He looked pale, lifeless, and hurt. There were bruises and cuts on his face. There was also a large bloody bandage wrapped around his head.
A doctor and several nurses walked into the room. "You must be his family."
Dad nodded. "How is he? What happened? Will he be ok?"
The doctor sighed. "Bryson, here, got hit by a car. He broke several bones and has many wounds." He paused. "We're getting ready to operate."
"What happened in the accident?" Dad asked.
The doctor looked at dad. "He didn't have any lights on his bicycle. And he wasn't wearing a helmet." He swallowed. "The car hit him from behind and Bryson flew forward."
Dad broke down in tears.
"I told him to wear a helmet." I said. "I told him twice before he left."
"This isn’t time for I-told-you-so’s, Sophie. This is serious." Dad mumbled. "Sadly, we all know, it's just like him to do that- for him not to listen."
I patted Dad's back and told him it was going to be ok and that I was sorry.
The doctor and nurses crowded around Bryson and started talking him down the hall into the OR.
Dad and I waited in the lobby while Bryson was in surgery.
I looked down at my clothes and giggled. I had two different flip flops on- one red and one purple. My sweats were plaid and my shirt had horizontal stripes. My jacket was black and had little splats of paint on it. Boy, did I look weird or what?! This would be the time when Ryan Reynolds just so happened to be visiting this hospital and he just so happened to pass by me- the freaky hobo girl.
It would be just my luck.

Dad snapped my back to reality when I saw him sitting in a hospital chair and start crying and sobbing. He didn't say one word.
We waited through the night and the doctor still hadn't come out of the OR yet. Dad was starting to worry. I could see it in his eyes.
The doctor finally came out at three a.m. He didn't look very well.
Dad got up as soon as he saw him. I followed.
"Sir, your son's out of surgery now." The doctor said.
Dad stared at him. "How is he? Ok? Was the sugary good? What happened?"
The doctor looked down and put his hands together. "His right femur is broken, several ribs are broken, his right arm is broken, his collar bone’s broken, and his back was thrown out. He also had trauma to the head and has very large wounds there."
"Is the good part or bad part?" Dad asked nervously.
The doctor gave Dad a sorrowful look and ignored his question. "He's now in a coma."
"A coma?!" Dad practically yelled.
The doctor tried to calm him down. "He's going to be ok."
Dad shook his head rapidly. "No he's not. He's in a coma!"
I put my hand on Dad's shoulder. "Calm down, Dad. Stay strong. Bryson wouldn't want you freaking out like this."
Dad sighed. "I'm worried about my son."
The doctor told us to sit down again and wait a while. Dad sat on a small chair and stared at his hands just thinking. I sat across from him on a bench and rested my head on the arm. Before I knew it I was asleep.
"Sophie, get up." Dad said.
I slowly opened my eyes and sat up. I glance out the window. It was really bright outside.
"What time is it?" I asked.
"Noon." Dad said looking at his watch.
I stood up and stretched.
Dad gave me a hug. "Bryson is in a new room."
I swallowed. "Can we go in?"
"It’s in the ICU. I don’t think they allow visitors there." He replied.
"Ok." I sighed.
The rest of the day, I sat in the lobby with Dad. We waited anxiously for any news about Bryson but mostly he was the same.
Dad and I would take turns crying. We were both so scared of what could happen to Bryson.
"I feel like this is my fault." I managed to say trough one of my crying fits.
"It's not your fault, Sophie." Dad said. "If it's anyone's fault, its Bryson's because he didn't listen to you."
I nodded. "You’re right... I just feel bad."
Dad squeezed my shoulder. "Don't cry, Sophie. I hate seeing you so sad."
I sniffled but said nothing.
At about four o'clock Marina came to pick me up. I was going to freshen up and then come back to the hospital.
She drove me home and we went inside.
I showered, changed, and fixed my hair. Then I checked my phone. Seven missed calls: 1) Carson 2) Carson 3) Laura 4) Carson 5) Laura 6) Carson 7) Carson.
I called Carson first. It rang twice then he picked up.
"Sophie?" He said. "Where are you? Why weren't you at school? Are we still going to the movies?"
I swallowed and held back my tears. "Um... No. I can't. There's something going on and I-"
Carson sighed. "What's going on?"
"I want to go but I can't." I replied. "It's a family emergency."
I heard nothing on the other end of my phone. I looked at the screen and pushed a button. The whole thing went black. The battery was dead. Great.
"Sophie, I'm leaving for the hospital. Are you coming?" Marina called.
I threw my phone on my bed and ran downstairs and into the car.
I guess I'd just call Carson later.

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