Sinraptor hepingensis v.s Yangchuanosaurus magnus

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   The 9.8 meter (32 foot) Yangchuanosaurus magnus is often described as the "Allosaurus of the east"  after its close relative and similarly sized Allosaurus fragilis, its American counterpart who lived at the same time (155 million years ago) as Y. magnus. But "King Yang" had to defend its title against animals who also lived in China such as the 8 meter (26 feet) Sinraptor hepingensis, armed with deadly hand claws to disembowel prey.

                                                                                The fight

   In a Chinese forest, 2 lone theropods meet. These 2 animals  were abandoned by their packs and are now after the only close source of food: a piece of carrion. The larger Yangchuanosaurus blocks the carrion but is the receiving end of the Sinraptor's claws. The Sinraptor almost kills the Yangchuanosaurus, but then the Yangchuanosaurus counters with a bite from its deadly, but weak, jaws. The Sinraptor retreats and goes into the trees. The Yangchuanosaurus attempts to follow but with its additional bulk gets stuck. It is left to the Sinraptor's mercy, which is delivered in a sudden, painful, death.

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