Pyroraptor olympius v.s Variraptor mechinorum

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   70-67 million years ago, in the forests of Provence, France, two very similar animals both equipped with deadly sickle-shaped claws prowled there, on the lookout for prey. What would result in a brawl between the 2 meter (6.5 feet), 35 kilogram (77 pounds) "Olympic fire thief" and the 2.5 meter (8 feet), 45 kilogram (99 pounds) "Hunter from Var"?

                                                                         The fight

   Two packs of each species meet at a ditch on the territory border. A few animals have recently fell into the ditch, so the raptors go after the carcasses and end up clashing.Various animals run at each other slashing, biting and killing. A Variraptor lunges at a Pyroraptor standing on a broken log, but the Pyroraptor dodges and knocks its opponent off the log. The Variraptor broke its neck when it fell, and dies. Other Pyroraptor get stricken down by the larger Variraptor. Soon, only 7 animals are left, fighting to the death. But, suddenly, a huge 7 meter (23 feet) Tarascosaurus salluvicus attacks and kills all the remaining raptors.

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