Megaraptor namunhuaiquii vs. Futalognkosaurus dukei

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Shoutout to @Animationking for recommending this fight. Recommend fights in the comments okay.


  In the Cretaceous period South America was dominated by giant titanosaurs. One of those was the 26-metre "Giant Chief Lizard". Even for Futalognkosaurus life in Patagonia during this time was no walk in the park though, and the 40 tonne goliath would have had to be on the look out for vicious packs of Megaraptor comahuensis, an 8-metres long assassin with meathooks for hands. Could the titan stand up to the challenge?

                                                                         The fight

   A female F. dukei slowly lumbers across floodplain. She hasn't found water for days now, and ever since she fell behind she has been searching for her herd. She sees some of their iconic footprints imprinted in the mud, so she knows she is close. Sadly she has failed to notice another set of three-toed footprints, belonging to a pack of hungry carnosaurs. They haven't had food for days, and a large animal heavier than 6 transit buses would surely due for a treat. The largest female, the alpha, silently stalks closely behind, sizing up her target. The brightly coloured neck of the prey indicates that she is in her prime and healthy. This will not be easy.  The predators move in for the kill. A swift juvenile runs to the front of the target, but is stopped by the tail, literally dead in its tracks. Slumping over, it is the first casualty. More predators run by, and mob the sauropods legs. She is too large for this to have any effect though, and kneels down, grinding her would-be attackers into the ground. The alpha and her posse then erupt from hiding and leap onto the back of the distracted herbivore. For half an hour they claw and bite to exhaust their prey. She eventually shakes them off, lowers her head, and limps off. One Megaraptor spots its chance and darts from the huge shadow cast by the dying beast. It grips the animal's head, and kills it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2020 ⏰

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