Miracinonyx trumani v.s Hayoceros barbouri

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   A distant relative of today's cougar, the "American cheetah" terrorized prehistoric pronghorn such as Hayoceros barbouri  2.6 million-11.7 thousand years ago. The  85 centimeter Miracionyx trumani, like today's cheetah, was incredibly light and had semi-retractable claws.Living 1.8,000,000-300,000 years ago, Hayoceros was a 1.8 meter long prehistoric pronghorn that had 

8 meter long prehistoric pronghorn that had 

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  four horns, 2 pronged, 2 straight.

                                                               The fight

   300,000 years ago, a male Hayoceros named Stag is grazing with his herd. They are all wary of predators, but recently Stag was almost killed by a Miracionyx inexpectatus, the larger Miracionyx species. His speed was the only thing that helped him survive. As he grazes nervously, a female Miracionyx trumani named Stalker is ambushing the herd. Stalker was also attacked by a M. inexpectatus too. She is injured and wants to go for the weakest of the herd: Stag. The stage is set for 2 ice age speed-demons that both have disadvantage: wounds. As Stalker gets into position for attacking Stag, the herd notices her. She instantly springs out of her hiding spot when Stag is dashing. He was one of the first to dash when she revealed herself. He is quickly decelerating thanks to his wound, but Stalker is beginning to tire. She puts aside her agony and rushes up to Stag, pouncing on him. Stag is ready though and stabs her with his horns. She shrieks in pain and wrestles with him, trying to pin him down, but keeps getting stabbed. Quickly thinking, she throws her head to his neck closing down on it. She ends up killing him, but her wounds are mortal.

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