Livyatan melvillei v.s Carcharocles megalodon

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   This is one of the most famous fights that happened in prehistory. Two gigantic predatory animals battling it out for control over what is now Peru. The combatants make both Jaws and  Moby Dick look like goldfish. They are: the prehistoric Sperm Whale Livyatan melvillei, named after the monster Leviathan and Herman Melville, the author of Moby Dick, with size estimates ranging from 13.5 meters to 17.5 meters long (44.3 feet to 57.4 feet). The mammal terrorized Peru 11.603 to 13.65 million years ago with a skull that was 3 meters(9.8 feet) long and full of 36 centimeter (14 inch) long teeth. The other was Charcarocles megalodon, a shark that swam in worldwide waters 28-1.8 million years ago.The animal mainly hunted whales with an ambush technique where it stalked whales and then attacked from the bottom, ripping their stomachs open (see video). Size estimates range from 15 meters to 20 meters(49 feet to 65 feet). For the fight, I will be using 17.5 meters for Livyatan, and 16 meters (54 feet) for the shark, which I think judging on modern day counterparts and close fossil species is most likely.

                                                                                 The fight

   13 million years ago on the coast of South America, a hungry Livyatan is diving deep like its modern relatives. A C. megalodon is doing the same, but can not dive as deep. The whale spots the shark with its echolocation and smashes its humongous skull into the shark. The Megalodon is almost flipped upside down but luckily uses its flexible cartilage to flip around and bite the sperm whale on the flank, tearing through a layer of blubber and opening up a large nasty cut. The whale then smashes the fish with its tail fluke, and then bites the Megalodon's head, ripping open the gills. The Livyatan then rips the fish apart and devours it.

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