Chatper 8 -Revealation

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The ceremony flashed by. They exchanged rings blah blah blah I switched off. None of them showed any emotion and when it came for the kiss, it lasted 0.1 of a second. We were now in a huge ballroom for the reception. I thought back to Red weddings I had attended. Little food, a small number of people. But there was pure joy and the people there wanted to be there. The complete opposite of this.

100% flamboyant and I reckon Volo Samos bullied lots of people into coming. It was so fake. I hated it all. There were so many Reds lined up at the wall with trays full of food and drink. The obnoxious fools were provoking them, knowing the Reds couldn't react. Seeing this me and Farley saw red. I was about to shock the life out of them and could feel the sparks jumping in my veins before Gisa grabbed me. I came back to reality. I was in disguise, I was powerless. I calmed down before realising nobody had grabbed Farley. She had snaked her way to the microphone that was supposed to be for speeches and grabbed it. "How can we accept this? HOW CAN WE?"

I ran up to the microphone and pulled her away. She threw with microphone on the floor with a resounding bang. The Silvers looked shocked. haha. They started cat calling and mocking her.

Screw this. I was about to remove my disguise and shock them all when somebody pulled me outside on a balcony. It was Evangeline. I bowed and stiffly said congratulations. She pulled me up and looked me dead in the eye. "Drop the act Mare."

"I don't know how nobody else noticed it was you but I did." I nodded and agreed. It was really obvious to be honest.

"Now then, is there something you'd like to tell me Mare?" Her eyes were on my stomach. My bump. 

I knew it was no use pretending with her so I just said it. "I'm 5 months pregnant. It's why I haven't been active within the Scarlet Guard. The only reason I came here was to keep Farley from doing anything stupid like she just did. If you tell anyone I will kill you and them. No Silver will touch my baby. They will not be corrupt. Understand?"

She nodded. Evangeline wasn't surprised. She embraced me saying she was here if I needed her and that Cal is a jackass. I agreed. This Evangeline is nice. 

What she said next surprised me. She inhaled deeply. "I want out. I don't want to be a Queen. I want to be free. I don't want a prison of crowns, dresses and duties. I love Elane Haven not Tiberas Calore. I want to run away from all my responsibilities. Since our last meeting my views have changed so much Mare. I want Reds to be free from their chains. I want to be free from my chains. I want to fight."

Farley was just inside the ballroom so I yanked her out onto mine and Evangeline's balcony. "Farley she wants out, she wants to fight." Her head whipped round and a massive smirk grew on her face.

"A Samos wants to join us?" Her disbelief was evident.

"General I want to join, I'm being driven mad here." Evangeline reached up and tugged her hair tears forming in her eyes. 

"Very well. Do you Evangeline Samos pledge yourself to the Scarlet Guard and its cause?"

"I do."

"Then welcome aboard Evangeline."

We went back inside the ballroom inconspicuously. Farley went over to tell the Colonel about what had just happened. I could see them laughing, acting normal. 

My attention was distracted by a bunch of Silvers picking on a Red servant. They were the ones jeering at the Reds earlier. It had now turned physical. Punching, kicking, hitting and spitting. It reminded me of the time in Harbour Bay when Shade and Crance were getting beaten up by the Seaskulls. 

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